39. Crystal Blades

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Jake sat on the steps in the backyard watching the flames flicker on his fingers, his body didn't hurt as much when he let the fire out as if it was burning the pain away. Above his head the clouds were growing darker, threatening to rain on him at any moment.

"You ok?" Jacie asked plopping down beside him,

Jake nodded "Just thinking,"

Jacie brushed a loose strand of hair back behind her ear, "About Ethan?" Jacie regretted saying his name, the second the word left her mouth the flames vanished from Jake's hands,

"A bit," he muttered, "It just keeps replaying in my head,"

Jacie nodded understandingly "I see it every time I sleep. The sound of metal tearing being wrenched apart and the explosion, I can still hear it."

"Why didn't I stop it,"

Jacie's eyes widened and she punched him in the shoulder, "Don't you dare,"

"It's true though," Jake said softly, "An explosion has fire in it, I could have helped."

"Or maybe it would have killed you both,"

It started to rain, and fat drops of water slapped the concrete around them, Jacie raised a hand and the rain spread apart, falling around her instead of wetting her,

Jake sighed, he looked up at the sky expectantly. It was supposed to be a thunderstorm but he couldn't see any lightning and the thunder rumbled far off in the distance.

"Come on," Jacie said standing and offering him her hand, he took it and she pulled him to his feet. "Blake said he might come over later,"

Jake nodded, "It's nice having him around,"

"Let's watch a movie," she said pulling him towards the door,

Jake shrugged and followed her inside.

Ethan screamed in pain, electricity surging across his skin, there was an earsplitting screech and the ground shook,

The darkness swirled around him, he held the struggling body against him,

"ETHAN," They wailed

They hit the ground with a thud and rolled across the grass. He let go of Jake and dived back into the shadows, he hit the ground hard again, his leg stung as the metal tore through his thigh, he took in the sight. The grass was burning, hunks of metal sat in twisted heaps, there was no sign of Ethan. He punched his leg, he'd known when the ground shook that he was too late. If he'd been a bit faster, not taken Jake quite so far away, maybe he could have made it back in time. He punched his leg causing pain the burn through his leg. He disappeared and reappeared next to Lucy, took her hand and they vanished.

Justin jolted awake, his breathing was heavy and his body was clammy with sweat. He lay still trying to calm down, Jake's wails were still ringing in his ears. He checked the time, it was nearly three in the morning, rubbing his face he sat up ignoring the pain in his finger.

He walked to the bathroom and splashed water on his face and gazed at himself in the mirror. The confident smirk he had perfected was nowhere to be seen. He sighed and gulped a few handfuls of water, his hands shaking slightly as he walked back to the bed.

He'd had the same nightmare many times now but it wasn't getting any easier to deal with. He didn't understand why it was affecting him so much, he'd barely known Ethan and it wasn't like they had been friends. He fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling,

"I'm sorry," he whispered,

No one had heard him say it but he still felt a little better, what surprised him most was he meant it. He sighed and closed his eyes hoping that the nightmare wouldn't visit him again

"Start at the top and do it again," Max ordered,

"Yes Sir," Tee said turning back to Lucy,

Her shoulders were rising and falling quickly, sweat glistened on her face. She sucked in a breath and raised her hands defensively,

"You sure you don't need a break?" he asked her,

She shook her head and swung at him, he stepped out of reach and smiled. "Tighten your stance, you're too relaxed and your body language gives you away." Tee stepped forward and thrust his palm into her chest knocking her to the floor,

Lucy scowled and kicked his knee as hard as she could, Tee grunted as his leg buckled and he fell to his knee, Lucy rolled backwards and leapt to her feet advancing towards him. She aimed a kick at his jaw but Tee sprang away from her rising to his feet a metre away.

Lucy advanced on him again and Tee grabbed her arm and dragged her towards him, at the last second he stuck out his shoulder knocking her flat on her back. Lucy's chest heaved and she sat up with a groan,

"You can give up," Tee offered,

Lucy shook her head, her eyes went white and Tee felt the pressure pushing against his skull, he smirked, "You know that doesn't work on people like us," he waved his hand and metal wires tore from the ground locking her legs together. A particularly jagged piece of metal floated towards her and pressed against her throat,

"Yield," he ordered

Lucy rolled her eyes as they returned to normal and raised her hands in defeat.

"You keep beating me," she said grumpily,

"I've had a lot more practice"

"Have you always had your power?"

Tee shook his head, "When I was twelve, I was walking home from school and this woman ran up to me. She told me some guy was after her and that she had something he wanted. She asked me to take it."

Lucy frowned, "She just gave it to you?"

Tee shook his head again, "Not exactly, she had some knife made of some weird crystal. She put it in my hand and told me to hold it tight. I was looking at it, not really paying attention to her and she grabbed my arm and she forced the knife into her throat" he sighed, "I ran home a bit freaked out and I just left her there. I got my mum and we ran back but when we got there she was gone. I guess the guy caught up to her and took her body,"

Lucy stared at him, "That's kinda messed up,"

He shrugged, "I've never told anyone the truth before. Normally I say I've always had it."

"Did you keep it? The knife I mean,"

"It was more like a dagger honestly. To answer your question though, no I threw it into the ocean one time when I went fishing." Tee checked his watch "You mind if we take a break?"

Lucy shrugged and Tee left, he made a beeline for the bathroom and stood silently in front of the mirror. Get a hold of yourself he thought to himself. 

His skin prickled, it had been dangerous to tell Lucy that, after all her father Max had asked him the same question three years ago when they'd met at the campsite. That man had attacked him, Max had seen everything happen. That's why he was here and not in a cell. Tee checked his watch and splashed some water on his face. He left the bathroom and headed for the meeting room.

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