32. Weather Torn Crossroads

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Jake fell on his back grunting from the impact,

"Again," Ethan sighed

Jake groaned and stood, water dripped from his clothes and hair, "Should we even be doing this, what if your dad track us here,"

Ethan gestured at the trees surrounding them, "That's why we are here, we can easily make a run for it,"

"It doesn't matter," Jacie said, "We need to be ready, what if she comes after us again?"

Jake frowned, "Easy for you to say, You keep winning,"

Ethan shook his head, "It's not about winning, it's about practising. Besides, Jacie uses water, you use fire, you should be able to turn it into steam,"

"Well I can't," Jake said grumpily, "Shouldn't you practice as well then?"

Ethan nodded, "I practice every day, do you have any idea how hard it is to stop myself from drawing in electricity? Especially at the school, that place is full of it." He looked away, "Well, it was."

Jake sighed, they hadn't been at school for two weeks, the fire had spread ruining nearly every classroom so the school had closed for repairs, "Ok" he said nodding to Jacie, "Let's go,"

She nodded and his hands exploded into flames, Jacie glared at him then focused. She couldn't summon water as quickly but over the past couple of weeks she'd become a lot faster. Ethan shivered feeling the moisture in the air, the air around them grew colder. A faint mist appeared in front of her, sunlight glittered on it forming tiny rainbows. Jake balled his hands and threw a ball of flames at her but it fizzled and disappeared when it hit the mist, clenching his teeth he closed his eyes, the flames grew brighter.

Ethan watched as the flames changed from orange to a pale white, Jake opened his eyes and hurled the flames at Jacie. Her fingers flexed and the mist turned to ice, the flames crashed into the ice and sizzled. Water streamed from the wall of ice and Jacie shook, struggling to keep the wall in place. She cried out and the ice turned to mist and disappeared leaving the space between them empty.

"Yes!" Jake cheered,

Jacie smiled at him, "That was loads better."

"About time too," Jake laughed

"That was really-" Ethan's phone rang cutting him off, he sighed, normally there would be no signal out as far as they were but Ethan's powers had apparently turned him into a walking cell tower,

"Hello?" he said as he answered,

"My sweet boy, Are you ok?"

His eyes widened, "Mum, I haven't heard from you in ages,"

"I know, I'm sorry. We went on a cruise and I dropped my phone,"

Ethan sighed and shook his head, "You have to have the worst luck with technology ever,"

Jean's laugh rang through the phone, "I don't do it on purpose, it's like nothing electronic can stand being near me,"

Ethan thought about his powers and bit back a laugh, "When are you coming back?"

"I am back, I just found out what happened." She sighed and Ethan could almost feel her guilt, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you here. I just needed some time away from your father,"

"You don't think I did?"

"I know you did darling, I should have taken you with me,"

Ethan glanced at his friends and his eyes met Jake's, "No, I'm glad I stayed,"

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