43. Fire Burns

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Rain hammered against the windows as Cole walked through the hallway, Celine looked up as he entered the room. They didn't speak as they got ready, the sound of velcro tearing through the silence. Cole shoved his pistol into his holster,

"You won't need that," Tee said, he leaned against the doorframe, "Lethal means is not authorised unless-"

"Unless they are a credible threat to the safety of agents or civilians," Cole interrupted rolling his eyes, "We know the rules,"

"And yet here I am reminding you," Tee said firmly, "You won't need weapons for this, they are just kids,"

Cole snickered and holstered a second pistol, "I have lead on this one Tee, I didn't ask for your input,"

Tee straightened and crossed his arms, "You have lead on this because I gave it to you because I don't have time to do it. I will happily reassign it to another team if you want to play games,"

Cole opened his mouth but Celine grabbed his arm and shook her head,

Tee smiled, "See, even Celine is telling you to shut up, Maybe I need to recommend you for command Celine."

Celine smiled and went back to adjusting her gear. Cole's cheeks went red and he bristled with anger but he didn't argue.

"Now as I said, no lethal force or I'll throw you in a cell myself."

The defiance in Cole's eyes dimmed, "Whatever, now piss off we have stuff to do,"

Tee glared at him for a moment, he'd always disliked Cole but he couldn't deny that he was efficient albeit sometimes too efficient. He turned and walked down the hall, plaster fell to the floor as wires tore from the walls. The wires floated behind Tee and fell over his shoulder, it was time Lucy had proper combat training.

The house was quiet, the twins were in their rooms and Justin was back outside plucking weeds from the garden, Jake watched him throw another pebble at Blake while they worked. Despite his conversations with Jacie, he wasn't very fond of how much time they were spending together.

Why do you care? You aren't with him anymore. Jake pushed the thoughts away. It wasn't that he was jealous, he just didn't understand their friendship.

"Stop staring at them," Jacie said as she slid onto the chair next to him,

Jake looked away, "I'm not staring,"

"You've been looking out the window for the past two minutes,"

He frowned, "I didn't realise we were keeping record,"

"I've actually got a running tally in my notebook,"

Jake shook his head, "You aren't funny,"

"Yes I am,"

"No you're not," Nate said as he sat down across from them,

Jacie frowned at him, "I'm funnier than you,"

Nate laughed, "You might be if you keep coming up with jokes like that,"

Jake snorted and glanced out the window again, Blake and Justin were kneeling side by side digging holes in the dirt.

Jacie smacked him on the head with a pillow, "Stop," she smacked him again "Staring," the pillow bounced off Jake's head, "At," she lost her grip on the pillow and it landed on the floor at Nate's feet, "Them," she said quickly,

Nate picked up the pillow and dropped it on the lounge next to him, "It's a good distraction for them, especially for Blake."

Jake sighed and leaned back in his chair, "I.." he trailed off,

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