26. Forming Storm

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Ethan woke up with a grimace, he felt as if someone had taken a baseball bat and attacked his limbs with it,

"He really had lightning on his hands?"

Ethan kept still realising they were talking about him,

"Yes, it was sparking and then he just passed out,"

Someone knelt beside him and slapped his face gently, "Time to wake up,"

Ethan opened his eyes to see Nate hovering over him, Jake and Jacie stood behind him watching anxiously, He stared at them with a sinking feeling, "So it wasn't a dream then,"

Jake shook his head, "Was that the first time you've done that? You seemed like you knew it was going to happen," he pointed out,

Ethan nodded, "I did know, I was sure it was a dream but then I felt it again last night," He thought of something and looked at them suspiciously, "Why aren't you guys freaking out?"

Nate flinched as if someone had slapped him, he stepped to the side, "Show him,"

Ethan raised an eyebrow, he could have sworn he'd heard jealousy in Nate's voice, "Show me what?" He stopped as the flames flickered to life on Jake's hands. Jake stared at his hands in concentration and the fire grew brighter enveloping his hands. Ethan almost reached out to touch the flames but Jake gasped and the flames vanished,

"I can't hold it for very long," he said breathing deeply,

"How many times have you done it?"

"A few," Jake admitted,

He turned to the twins looking offended, "You guys knew?"

The twins avoided his gaze, "We didn't want to tell you until things calmed down a bit," Jacie told him,

"Who made that decision?" Ethan knew he was overreacting but he couldn't help it, they hadn't trusted him,

Jake rubbed his arm gently as if he knew what Ethan was thinking, "We all did but it wasn't because we didn't trust you,"

Ethan stared at them for a moment while he counted down from ten and took a deep breath, "Ok," he exhaled, "Can you guys do anything?"

Jacie sat down and explained what she had done while Nate fiddled with his jumper,

He is jealous Ethan thought feeling slightly surprised, Nate didn't seem like the type to get jealous.

They sat awkwardly in silence when Jacie finished but Jacie and Jake both seemed unaware of how Nate was feeling and his suspicions were confirmed moments later when Jake spoke up,

"Do you guys want to practice?"

Jacie looked reluctant but the look on Jake's face and the desire to find out what else she could do quickly convinced her,

"Are you coming Ethan?" Jake asked,

Ethan shook his head, "I'm going to sit and talk with Nate for a bit,"

Nate shook his head, "Go practice, I'm going to lie down for a while,"

He opened his mouth to protest but Nate stood up and left the room, he looked back at Jake who was staring at him,

"Are you coming?" he asked,

Ethan felt bad for Nate but he nodded and followed them through the backdoor.

The twins didn't have the biggest backyard, it looked like it had been a long time since it had been used. The tall fences were made of wood but they'd been there so long they were going grey. The grass was patchy and somehow the concrete looked like it would be more comfortable.

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