42. Flames Rise

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Things remained icy over the following days, Nate wasn't speaking to any of them and instead barely left his room. Justin hovered awkwardly, not entirely sure what to do. He distracted himself by gardening, picking up the war against the weeds just as Elsbeth had. He gripped another stubborn clover patch and gently pulled it from the earth watching as dirt fell in clumps from the roots.

"He's out there again," Jake said letting the curtain fall back over the window,

Jacie shrugged, "If he wants to look after the garden then let him,"

Jake frowned, "He and Blake have spent a lot of time out there, it's not exactly the best weather,"

"I can't say I blame him." Jacie sighed, "It's not the friendliest atmosphere in here is it." She set the knife down on the chopping board, "Can you tell him lunch is ready,"

"I know you know this but you don't need to make food for everyone," he told her,

"It's a good distraction. I'm gonna go tell Nate," she said, rubbing her hands on her jeans. She walked past Jake and out of the kitchen, she ran her hand along the railing as she climbed the stairs.

"Nate," Jacie called, "Are you awake?" She waited but there was no reply, so she knocked on his door

"I made lunch," She knocked harder this time and when Nate didn't answer she opened his door.

Nate was asleep at his desk, his face pressed against his keyboard. A glass full of water sat dangerously close to the edge of his desk and several plates were piled on the floor next to his chair. Jacie shook her head feeling irritated, she eyed the glass of water and concentrated. She lifted her hand and the water rose forming a sphere and hovering over the glass. Jacie flicked her hand and the sphere of water shot sideways and hit Nate in the head splashing droplets of water all over his desk.

Nate jolted awake and shook his head, flicking more water onto his desk. "What was that for?" He asked grumpily,

Jacie crossed her arms, "You need to stop hiding away in here.

Nate rubbed his eyes, "I'm not hiding"

She shook her head, "You can lie to yourself all you like either way it's time you get out of here,"

"Once he is out of our house," he replied,

"He didn't hurt her Nate,"

"You can't know that,"

Jacie leant against the doorframe, "You know how much she did for him, he cared about her nearly as much as we did."

Nate scowled but said nothing, he couldn't understand how Jacie was so quick to accept Justin's version of events. He dug his nails into his palms, even if what Justin told them made sense, he didn't want it to be true. After everything that had happened, Justin didn't deserve to be around them.

Jacie stood silently, watching Nate flicker through different emotions, she had said everything she could now he needed to accept it all on his own.

Nate looked up at her, his green eyes were dark but the anger was fading,

He sighed, "You really think he didn't hurt her?"

"I do, he wouldn't be staying in our house if I thought he had anything to do with it."

"You've forgiven him?"

Jacie shook her head, "There isn't anything to forgive him for,"

Nate shrugged and stood up "I'm not gonna pretend to be his friend,"

"No one said you had to" Jacie replied,

Nate watched her walk back downstairs, she had always been more forgiving than him but he had thought they would be on the same page when it came to Justin. He stretched and went down to see the others.

Nate didn't say anything to Justin as they ate lunch but Jake could feel the tension starting to fade, Nate wasn't glaring but Justin still did his best not to make eye contact. Jake finished his food and went out to the backyard and sat by the fire pit, the steel barrel sat encased in concrete surrounded by plastic chairs.

The barrel was half full of sticks and dried weeds, Justin's work he guessed, he flexed his fingers and watched the flames spark on his fingers and then go out. They'd agreed not to use their powers again after Ethan but Jake had kept practising, it came so easily to him now, he only needed to think about the flames and they would ignite in his hands.

He created the sparks again and cupped his hand forcing the flames into a ball, tossed the fireball into the air and watched it fizzle out. His issue was distance, once the fire left his hands controlling them became a lot harder. He created a ball again and heard the door opening behind him, he quickly dropped the flames into the firepit, the fire crackled and sprang to life flames reaching the sides.

Nate dropped heavily into the chair next to him and yelped as it toppled over, Jake laughed and helped him up,

"Good to see you out of your cave,"

"Yeah, winter is over, no more hibernation,"

"Jacie told you off then?"

Nate grinned, "She's always been like that. I won't tell her you've been playing with fire again,"

Jake stared at him, "You saw it then?"

"You threw a fireball into the air, what did you expect?'

Jake shrugged, "It just didn't feel right to pretend we don't have them,"

Nate touched his shoulder supportively, "I understand, I'd feel the same way if I had something like that."

Jake frowned thoughtfully, "It doesn't make sense that you don't, you had a ball of light just like the rest of us,"

Nate nodded in agreement, 'Guess I was just unlucky,"

"Maybe you just haven't discovered them yet,"

He shook his head, "All of you described a feeling, something that helped draw it to the surface, I don't feel anything like that," He threw a stick into the fire, "Maybe it's for the best."

Jake sank back in his chair, "Maybe," He murmured,

The door slammed into the wall as Max stormed into the training room, Tee glanced up from his push-ups and slowly got to his feet,

"Bee in your bonnet?" Tee asked sarcastically,

"Cut the shit," Max growled, "You've spent no time training Lucy in the last 48 hours,"

Tee pretended to look surprised and covered his mouth with his hand, "Oh no, how will she survive?"

Max's hands clenched into fists and Tee shifted slightly into a more defensive stance,

"Careful," Tee said, "You've been out of the field for a long time,"

Max's eyes glinted with fury, his phone buzzed and he ripped it from his pocket, "There's been another energy reading,"

Tee shrugged, "I have training with Lucy to do. Send Seline and Cole,"

Max thought about it, "Do you really think they are up to that?"

"Is the reading from those kids again?"

"Similar location,"

Tee shrugged, "They are just kids, it shouldn't be an issue for them, If they fail then the kids find out there are more people like them, big deal."

Max turned and walked out of the room, "Send them," he said as he pulled the door shut.

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