29. Warm Embrace

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Jake opened his eyes and stretched out across the bed, he tensed expecting to bump into Ethan but he wasn't there. Sitting up he glanced around, Ethan's shoes were gone. Why would he leave without saying goodbye Jake thought. He sighed every time they took a step forward Ethan seemed to take three back without him.

There was a soft tap on the door and Jacie poked her head in, "Hey-," she stopped, "Where's Ethan?"

Jake shrugged, "I woke up and he was gone."

Jacie's eyes widened nervously, "What if those people came back for him?"

Jake snatched his phone from his bedside table and rang Ethan, relief washed over him when he heard his voice,

"Where did you go?" Jake demanded, In the doorway, Jacie breathed a sigh of relief,

Jake put the phone on speaker as Ethan spoke, "I went back to Blake's apartment," There was a long pause, "Not because of you," Ethan explained.

"Then why?"

"I don't really know, I just did,"

Jake sighed, "As long as you're ok,"

"I am. I'll be over soon."

Jake frowned, "Ok,"

The call ended and Jacie sat on the bed next to him, "Is he ok?"

Jake nodded, "It's just him being socially awkward again I think,"

"At least he's trying," She pointed out,


Ethan stretched on the lounge, he was still tired and the call had woken him up.

"Everything ok?" Blake asked

Ethan nodded, "Just Jake checking I was ok,"

Blake sat next to him, "Sounds like things are getting better between you two,"

Ethan looked at him guiltily, "I'm sorry,"

Blake shook his head, "Don't be silly, I don't have any hold over you. We aren't dating and I'm far too old for you, if Jake makes you happy then be with him."

Ethan looked surprised and Blake wrapped an arm around his shoulder,

"Look, I just want you to be safe and happy. You don't owe me anything."

Ethan smiled, "Thank you,"

He shook his head, "No need to thank me but please do one thing for me. Not just you but your friends as well."


Blake sighed, "Go back to school, Don't let your father make your life any more difficult than he has."

"School," Ethan said stupidly,

"Yes, go back to school. Get good grades, do something you want to do. Come back with money and kick your dad's ass"

Ethan laughed, "That sounds fun,"

"You can do it, nothing is stopping you."

Ethan shrugged, "I'll try and talk them into it."

Blake nodded, "Glad to hear it."

Ethan smiled and Blake felt his chest tighten, he cleared his throat and stood up, "I better get ready for work, enjoy the time with your friends."

Ethan nodded and he went to get ready.

Ethan stretched and stood up, he figured the twins wouldn't mind if he showered at their place. He threw some of his clean clothes in a bag and walked back towards their house. He didn't bother telling Blake that he may not be back that night, he knew Blake would work it out.

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