2. New School, New Friends?

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Lucy sat out the front of Ravera High staring into her phone; she was waiting to give her stupid forgetful brother his house key. Lucy loved her brother but he annoyed her sometimes like this morning she had texted him four times and rang twice as many times without success so she was stuck sitting outside the school waiting. Lucy watched two boys entering the school, one was a bit taller than she was and had black hair and the other was shorter with brown hair probably more around her brother's height.

As she watched them she noticed they were holding hands and she wrinkled her nose in disgust, she couldn't believe that they could be so disrespectful by being like that in public. She couldn't care less what they did in private but to be so open about it was just horrible for everyone that had to see it.

Lucy tried to imagine what her father would have said if he was here and even she flinched at the imagined response, what confused her was the fact she felt sorry for them. She shook her head reminding herself that they chose to be with each other and if they wanted to ruin their lives that was up to them but she didn't need to feel any pity for them for their own choices. She checked her phone again to distract herself, still no response. Where is he? she wondered

Ethan was running, he felt ridiculous but Lucy was gonna be so angry with him for making her wait

"Where the hell have you been?" Lucy yelled as he reached the car

Ethan stopped running and smiled guiltily "I stopped for pancakes. Chill out school hasn't started yet"

Lucy glared at him "You made me wait so you could eat pancakes?"

Ethan smiled apologetically "I had heaps of time when I got there but it just crept up on me."He tilted his head slightly "What's the real reason you're angry, waiting twenty minutes isn't enough to agitate you like this."

Lucy glared at him again "There are faggots at this school, just out in public holding hands! It is filthy and I have half a mind to ring dad and leave right now"

Ethan's eyes widened and he shrugged hesitantly.

Lucy opened her mouth, closed it and then opened it again "You're ok with this?" She stammered,

Ethan shrugged again "People are who they are and you can't change it any more than they can." I only wish I could be who I am, he thought sadly, "Please don't make a big deal of this Lucy, just avoid them if you have to but you know what dad will be like if he knew"

"Whatever" Lucy snapped shaking her head "This is your key, don't lose it because no one's going to be home this afternoon" She threw the key to him and he caught it easily.


Ethan hugged Lucy and she hesitated for a moment and then walked into the school veering to the side when she saw one of the fags standing by the front door.

Ethan watched her go in concern, she could cause a lot of problems here if it really bothered her. He shook his head and reminded himself that he should be focused on his own school life, not hers. His thoughts wandered as he passed the gates and looked over the school grounds but he wasn't surprised. The school looked like all schools do, similar buildings with a letter on each block of classrooms with a number above the door to each room. A big iron fence with sharp pointy things that Ethan didn't know the name of surrounded the perimeter of the grounds, there was a canteen and all the buildings were a horrible pale mustard yellow.

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