38. A New Comfort

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Max strode into the interrogation room, Lucy and Justin sat handcuffed to the table. They both glared at him as he sat across from them.

"You are going to answer my questions honestly or you will rot in the cells down here." He said coldly.

Lucy smirked, "I doubt-"

"Shut up," Max growled,

Lucy looked as if she had just tasted something unpleasant but she closed her mouth falling silent.

"Where did you get the powers from?"

"We don't know," Justin said,

Max gestured with his hand and a loud crack echoed in the small room,

Justin hissed in pain trying in vain to massage his finger which was now pointing at an angle,

"Next time it will be your wrist," Max warned,

Ignoring Justin's pain Lucy frowned at her father, "He's telling the truth though, We don't know how we got them. We were out in the bush following Ethan and his little group of weirdos because I was trying to get proof he was a faggot." She fell silent for a second thinking,

"I don't really know what happened," She said finally, "I fell over and when Justin came to help his eyes were totally black and after that, I discovered what I could do."

Max raised an eyebrow, "What exactly can you do?" He asked,

She shrugged, "It's hard to explain, I can make people hurt until they die and then it's almost as if I take their soul or something. I get energy from it, every time I do it I can control it better."

Max scratched his chin thoughtfully, "Do you do any physical damage?"

"Well I've never given them an autopsy," She said, "But it doesn't seem like it from looking at them, it doesn't work on people with powers though" She paused, "Well it doesn't work very well,"

He nodded, "You'd probably need a lot of practice or a lot more deaths for that. How many people have you killed?"

"Not many," She admitted, "I mostly practised with animals and bugs and stuff."

Max snorted, "That's just wasting your power,"

"So are you going to keep us here?" Justin demanded,

"That depends, what else can you tell me?"

Justin's eyes narrowed, "I'm pretty sure Ethan is dead,"

Max's jaw dropped, "What?"

"There was this thing with some power generators, he stopped them from exploding long enough for me to rescue the others but they went off before I could go back for him,"

"That's a shame," Max said sadly, "I would have liked his power,"

Justin raised an eyebrow, "What? That's it? Your kid dies and you are upset you didn't get some power?"

"He was not my son" Max spat, "I have never had a son,"

Justin shook his head in disbelief, Lucy kicked him under the table.

"It's true," Lucy said quickly, "He deserved what he got,"

Justin didn't look at her, "I'm out," he said finally,

"What?" Lucy said quickly,

"I'm out" he repeated, "You and your heartless freak of a father here can go to hell," His eyes went black and darkness surrounded his hands, there was a loud clunk and the handcuffs fell from his wrists,

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