16. Where To Turn

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Ethan read the text again, Blake had asked him to meet for coffee at twelve and it was nearly time. Ethan wasn't sure why he felt so nervous but the buzz in his ear finally decided for him, at the very least he could ask Blake what was wrong with it. He frowned thoughtfully and slid his phone back into his pocket then left his house closing the door behind him.

He stopped on the gutter outside the cafe and fiddled with his hood hesitantly,


He spun around in surprise, "Jake," he stammered, "What. What are you doing here? Where have you been? Why haven't you responded to my texts? I have been so wor-"

"My family is in town" Jake interrupted his eyes filled with tears,

Ethan's mouth fell open "Your family as in the ones who mistreated you?"

Jake looked away for a moment, "Why are you here?" he asked changing the subject,

"I'm meeting someone"

Jake's face fell "The twins?"

Ethan shook his head "Of course not, We would never meet up without inviting you. I'm meeting someone from the hospital."

Jake scratched at his scar and something clicked for Ethan, he looked Jake up and down again. His clothes were smaller and hugged his body more tightly than they normally did and he was holding himself differently, smaller and defeated.

"Are you ok Jake?"

Jake smiled, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Ethan wasn't convinced "Are you sure?"

Jake shrugged, "I'm gonna finish my walk, Have fun with your chat." he brushed past him and started down the path.

"Jake, wait," Ethan said, he hurried forward and grabbed Jake's arm. "Wait, talk to me"

Jake ripped his arm from Ethan's grasp, "I don't want to talk about it Ethan, I have stuff to deal with now leave me alone."

Ethan grabbed him again and wrapped his arms around him, "Please, don't be angry with me. I'm sorry."

"Ethan let go of me" Jake struggled and shoved him in the chest but Ethan didn't let go, "SERIOUSLY!" Jake yelled, "GET THE HELL OFF ME, YOU CAN'T JUST FORCE PEOPLE ETHAN"

Ethan jumped like he'd been electrocuted and let him go, "I've never wanted to force you into anything" he whispered miserably

"Just leave me alone Ethan"

Ethan fought to hold back a sob as Jake started to walk away, "Jake." He called hoarsely,

Jake stopped but didn't turn around.

"I love you," Ethan told him

He heard Jake sigh, "If only I shared those feelings," he said quietly and walked away.

Ethan's lip trembled uncontrollably, it felt like the world was spinning out of control, everything hurt, he felt like he was being kicked in the stomach. He took a step towards the cafe but his knees buckled and he crashed to the ground, tearing open his knees and hands on the concrete. Sobs shook his body and he resisted the urge to curl up and cry.

"Ethan?" Someone called worriedly, he felt hands touch him and someone pulled him to his feet,

He blinked away the tears clinging to his eyebrows, "Blake", He quickly wiped his face and sniffled to regain his composure,

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