30. Strained Brain

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Ethan stared at the school's front gate, Jake linked their fingers together,

"We are here with you,"

Ethan looked at Jake and then the twins, "I'm glad you guys came with me,"

"Well we couldn't let you be bored all on your own right?" Nate said,

Ethan smiled and walked inside, he let out the breath he'd been holding. Jake squeezed his hand in support,

"Ah, there you are!" Principal Gerland called,

Ethan smiled nervously,

"Welcome back all of you," he said as he limped to a stop in front of them,

Ethan couldn't believe how much older he looked, Principal Gerland looked as if he'd aged twenty years since he had last seen him,

"Hi sir," Jacie said, "It's good to be back,"

Gerland smiled, "Did you all receive the email with your schedules?"

They nodded, "Good, well in that case be on your way,"

The four of them exchanged glances and then moved towards the classrooms,

"Oh, Nate and Jacie," Principal Gerland called,

The twins stopped and looked at him,

"Yes sir?" Jacie said

"My condolences about your grandmother, she was a very kind woman,"

"Thank you," they said together,

"See you at lunch?" Nate said,

Jake and Ethan nodded,

"Alright, see you then,"

"I can't believe we have all of our classes together now!" Ethan said happily,

Jake smiled, "Yeah it's cool."

They were still holding hands, Ethan looked around nervously but aside from the occasional glance, it didn't seem like anyone noticed.

He sighed in relief, "We have science now right?"

Jake shook his head, "English then science,"

Ethan looked confused and Jake couldn't help but laugh,

"It's ok," he said and led him down the hallway,

They took seats at the back of the room and slowly students trickled in, Jake checked the time,

"Miss Bryoney should have been here ten minutes ago,"

Ethan shrugged, "Teachers at my old school were late all the time, we just got a shorter class."

"Yeah, that was a big fancy school though, Miss Bryoney only lives a few streets away."

The door opened and a man walked in, "My apologies for being late,"

The class stared at him blankly,

He cleared his throat, "Your usual teacher is unable to be here at this time, I'm here to fill in for her,"

He picked up a marker and began writing on the whiteboard, "My name is Mr Lorcex, I expect a certain level of maturity in my classroom. For example, students will raise their hands if they want to speak in my class,"

Several students raised their hands,

He pointed at one, "Yes?"

"Where's Miss Bryoney?"

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