35. Lightning Strikes

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Jake shoved Finn away but the door had swung shut leaving them once again alone in the bathroom,

"See what I mean?" Finn asked, "He doesn't deserve you,"

Jake scowled, "You knew he was here didn't you. You wanted him to see that,"

Finn shrugged, "Guilty,"

Jake scoffed in disbelief and pushed past him but Finn grabbed his arm,

"Jake wait," he said quickly, "I've had a crush on you for years but then you got with Justin and I waited, hoping that I would finally have a chance to get to know you." He frowned, "When you broke up with Justin I had it but then you got close to Ethan but it's been obvious that something was off with the two of you."

Jake shook his head, "We just never tried, there was too much going on and it was too soon after Justin."

"What if," Finn said slowly, "Ethan was just your rebound. We could finally have a chance,"

Jake stared at him in disbelief, "Are you crazy? I would never use Ethan like that."


"No" Jake snapped cutting him off, "I care about him, I want to be with him. Whatever this idea that you have in your head is, it's not going to happen," Before Finn could reply Jake hurried out of the bathroom leaving him alone.

"There you are!" Jacie yelled, "What the hell did you say to Ethan now?"

"Where is he," Jake asked, he stared at the man standing next to her, "You must be Blake,"

Blake raised an eyebrow, "How'd you know?"

"Pink hair," Jake explained, "Ethan told me about it. Anyways, where did he go?"

"We don't know," Jacie said, "He went to wash the blood from his hands and then the next thing we saw he came sprinting back out and through the front door."

"Nate chased after him," Blake added,

"Wait, blood? What happened is he ok,"

"His mum's in hospital,"

Jake's heart sank, "We really need to find him,"

"Let's take my car," Blake said,

Jake nodded and the three of them hurried out of the cafe.

Ethan huffed as he ran, his vision partially blurred from his tears. Why did this all have to happen at once? Sparks flew from his hands as images flew through his head like a tornado, his mum lying on the ground, the blood, Jake kissing some guy, mum, blood, kiss. Over and over again. Thunder rumbled above him as he ran. He wondered if Nate was still trying to chase him or if he'd given up, the sight of Jake's kiss tore into his mind again and he lost his pace. His foot hit the gutter and he tripped face-first into the concrete,

"Ow," he groaned,

A black sedan parked next to him and the window wound down,

"Get in the car," Lucy snapped,

"Piss off," Ethan said rubbing his cheek,

There was a click and the door opened, Justin stepped out and grabbed him by the arm dragging him to his feet,

"Seriously, just get in the car," he said sounding bored,

Ethan sighed knowing he wasn't in a position to fight and climbed into the front seat. Justin shut his door and sat in the back, Lucy didn't wait for him to lock his seatbelt and instead sped off,

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