36. Power Transforms

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"He's moving again," Jacie said glancing at her phone,

"What?" Blake asked, "Where's he going now?"

"I don't know, the map doesn't show that part as anything but bush,"

Blake thumped the steering wheel with his hand, 'Well, is there anything else around there that he could be going to? It's pouring down rain,"

Jacie zoomed in on the map, "Oh no," she said quietly

"What?" Jake and Blake said together

"He's headed for the power plant,"

"Why would he go there?" Blake demanded, "Is he trying to get himself killed?"

"Oh no," Jake said realising, Jacie's gaze met his, "Get us there Blake,"

He nodded, slammed his foot on the pedal and the car lurched forward.

Ethan winced as he hit the tree, his shoulder was throbbing. Sparks were still flying from his hands, he'd given up trying to bring them under control. Every time he tried, pain shot through his head blinding him, he touched his shoulder and his hand came back red.

He shot me Ethan thought in disbelief That's what the bang was, He shook his head, and kept moving. He had to get away from Ravera, there was nothing here for him anymore. The tears threatened to come back but he blinked them away as he ran. The pulsing feeling drew him to the left as if guiding him and he followed it. He broke through the trees and stared at the sight in front of him, metal fences surrounding a huge grid of telegraph poles and metal wires.

The idea dawned on him and he smiled sadly, "I'm sorry I couldn't make you proud nana" he said softly. He reached up to unclasp his necklace and slipped it into his pocket. He hesitated for a moment and walked towards the fence.

Justin groaned and slid down the wall to the ground, "Your dad is an asshole," he muttered,

"Why'd you help Ethan," Lucy demanded,

"I didn't do it for him," Justin said rubbing his ribs, "When Max said he was going to kill him for his power, I figured that meant he would come for me and you as well,"

Lucy glared at him suspiciously, "You sure that's the only reason?"

"If you don't believe me then that's on you," Justin told her, "I have no reason to lie to you,"

Lucy relaxed, "Good, I'd hate to think you were feeling sorry for Ethan,"

Justin raised an eyebrow, "You don't?"

Lucy hesitated, "Not the point. He chose it, he's the one that went around kissing guys,"

Justin shook his head, "You know he can't help the way he feels,"

Lucy scowled, "It doesn't matter," She said through clenched teeth

He shrugged and they fell into silence, he rubbed his ribs gingerly, "What now?"

Lucy sighed, "I don't know," She slid down the wall opposite him, "If he's going to come for us now then this changes everything."

Justin frowned, the shadows in the room flickered as if calling him, "We need to go," he said,


He shrugged, "I don't know but we need to go now," he grabbed Lucy's hand just as the darkness surrounded them and they disappeared,

Ethan pulled himself over the top of the fence but the heavy rain made it hard to hold on and he fell to the ground on the other side landing face first in the mud. Waves of pain shot through his shoulder and he sobbed in frustration. The pain died down and he pulled himself to his feet muttering a colourful selection of swear words. Right in front of him, the power transformers hummed with electricity and the pulsing feeling running through his body erupted. Pressure enveloped him until his head felt like it was about to explode, he screamed in pain and the sparks surrounding his hands burned gold.

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