5. Bodies Heal Faster

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"No, let me sleep mum, I don't care about school" he groaned in pain and blinked as his vision cleared. The memories of his confrontation with Justin were hazy and warped, he thought he remembered there being other people there but it was too hard to concentrate through the pain. he tried to get up and found he couldn't move, a sense of panic overwhelmed him,

"Where am I?" he demanded,

Hissing from the pain he yanked at his arm then noticed the restraints keeping him down. His head snapped to the side as he took in his surroundings, it looked like a hospital room, he sniffed, it smelled like one too. Clenching his teeth he wrenched at the restraints again.

"Get these off me," he yelled, wincing as pain shot through his mouth.

A door to his left opened and a young man in nurse scrubs hurried inside, closing the door behind him. Ethan felt the blood rushing to his face and looked away for a moment. The nurse looked to be nineteen or twenty and was probably older than he looked but Ethan couldn't help looking at him. He had bubble gum pink hair and bright hazel eyes with contrasting flecks of grey. He was very feminine and when he caught Ethan's gaze Ethan blushed and looked away.

The nurse shook his head looking amused,

"Mr Metshap I am afraid that I can't do anything while you are distressed, you need to calm down and then I'll remove them. Given your injuries, you are going to be more comfortable lying down anyway"

Ethan stopped struggling at the sound of his last name and glared at the nurse "Mr Metshap is my father, my name is Ethan" He looked around then looked back at the nurse who was studying him thoughtfully,

"How long was I out?"

"We don't know for sure but Dr Gambier estimates about thirty-six hours"

Ethan rolled his wrists, flinched from the pain and let them rest back on the bed. He ran his tongue along the inside of his teeth and breathed a small sigh of relief; he still had all his teeth. The nurse smiled as he removed the restraints, Ethan wriggled his fingers, and his left hand seemed to have less pain so he ripped the needles from his arm. The nurse sighed in exasperation and raised the restraints "Ethan please relax, I don't want to have to sedate you"

Again, Ethan stopped struggling "Why can't I get up?"

"You need rest and lots of it. We very nearly lost you and you have multiple injuries that need time to heal"

"I already rested for over a day; do I have any long-lasting injuries?" Ethan demanded, choosing to ignore the fact that he could have died.

The nurse frowned "We haven't finished the tests. Some of them require you to be conscious and as I said, I will sedate you if you try to get out of bed."

Ethan scowled "You didn't answer my question" but he reluctantly stayed in bed

"My name is Blake and I just started this shift, the log shows you have a fractured nose, a concussion, a broken jaw, several fractured fingers, two broken ribs and a lot of cuts and bruises. You also lost quite a lot of blood. You even had internal bleeding for a while there"

Ethan laughed which hurt but he did not say anything, Blake raised an eyebrow and waited patiently.

"Besides the inside bleeding, None of these injuries are new to me, I've played rugby league since I was six years old," Ethan said quietly

"Ah, the nurse who I took over from mentioned scars, is that how you got them?"

Ethan flinched "Uh, yeah," he said a little too quickly

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