24. Away From There

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Jake's door shut with a soft click and he threw himself onto the bed with a sigh, he'd thought he would feel better if Ethan knew more about what had happened but he felt just as guilty for how he'd treated him. Just thinking about how guilty he felt made his heart pang, he didn't deserve someone as pure as Ethan. He sat up quickly when his door opened and Greg stepped into his room and shut the door again.

"Greg, I really think you must be getting old, I never told you to come in."

Greg glared at him, "Cut the crap, Your parents have gone out to dinner. They invited you but I told them you said you didn't want to."

Jake froze, an old but familiar fear pinched at his nerves and prickled his skin, "Why would you say that?" he asked nervously,

Greg walked over to Jake's bed and Jake backed away until his back was pressed against his pillows,

Greg smiled with satisfaction, "I knew you were still scared of me and I must thank you for it, your fear caused you to abandon your cousin which gave me plenty of time to regain control."

Jake trembled, "Please don't hurt him anymore, he already lied for you and helped you tear down the trust my parents had in me. What more do you want?"

"You're going to regret embarrassing me like you did all those years ago. I want to catch up on the time we missed." He growled then without warning he grabbed Jake's arms and pinned them against his sides, Jake pulled out of his grip and rolled off the bed and jumped to his feet.

His uncle tried to grab him again but Jake grabbed his arms and held them away from him. He felt a wave of deep anger rising in him and it burned hotter making his whole body warmer. The anger strained at his control and he glared at his uncle remembering all the pain and fear he'd felt at Greg's hands. There was a sizzling sound and Greg looked down at his arms in surprise, he yelled in pain and shoved Jake away. Jake lost his balance and fell, his head slammed against his desk, he watched through blurry vision as Greg examined the burn marks on his arms and it was only as Jake lost consciousness that he realised that the burn marks were handprints, they were his handprints...

Jake was woken up as someone shook him roughly,

"Jake, Can you hear me?" Derm asked anxiously, "Come on son, you can do it,"

Jake winced and slowly sat up, "Dad?"

Derm sighed with relief, "Are you ok? Nothing hurts?"

"My head aches but I'm ok,"

Derm nodded, "Why would you pour hot wax on Greg?"

Jake stared at his father, "I didn't, he grabbed me and I tried to get away then he pushed me and I hit my head,"

Martha stormed into the room, "What is going on with you?" she exclaimed, "We tried to understand why you lied about what happened and why you threatened your cousin but attacking your uncle is too far. You are lucky he isn't pressing charges,"

Jake stared at them in disbelief, his heart felt shredded and his eyes stung, "You really believe I would do something like that? You know how much I love my cousins, can you really imagine me threatening any of them?"

His parents didn't answer but watched him quietly, he shook his head, "Unbelievable," he said quietly and shakily got to his feet,

"Where are you going?" Martha demanded,

"I'm going to see my friends. You let a monster into this house and now you've chosen to believe him. Can't you see that HE threatened his son into taking his side instead of mine?" He waited again but they just stared at him blankly, he shook his head again and walked out slamming the door behind him.

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