21. Pain Awakens

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Ethan turned over on the couch restlessly and stared at the ceiling. Blake still hadn't come back and he hadn't responded to the messages Ethan had sent him, he had a nagging feeling that something was wrong. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, it was nearly six in the morning but he'd barely slept. He dragged his feet into the kitchen to make some coffee, he was in the middle of filling the water jug when there was a knock on the door. He jumped in fright, spilling water onto the floor, suddenly awake he sat the jug on the bench, ran for the door and flung it open,

His face lit up in a smile, "Blake!" he yelled, the happiness quickly disappearing, "Where the hell have you been?" he demanded, his eyes widened as he noticed the bruising on Blake's face,

Blake held up his hands, "I'll explain in a minute but I'm fine."

Ethan frowned anxiously but stood to the side to let him in then followed him to the couch,

"I spoke to your father," Blake began, he saw the expression on Ethan's face, "Well, spoke probably isn't the right word."

Ethan tapped his phone gently against his leg and waited for Blake to continue,

"I knocked on the door, and when he answered he was really rude and it made me think of what happened to you and then I punched him"

Ethan stopped tapping his leg nearly dropping his phone, "You punched him?"

Blake nodded awkwardly, "In the face,"

Ethan blinked stupidly, "You punched Max in the face?"

"Twice," He paused, "Actually I hit him lots of times,"

Ethan felt like his brain was about to explode, "Are you suicidal?" He laughed incredulously, "How are you even sitting here right now?"

"Well," Blake said while rubbing his face, "He hit me as well but he was more interested in taunting and threatening me,"

Ethan raised an eyebrow, "He doesn't know you, how could he threaten you?"

Blake shrugged, "He does know me, I don't know how but he knew my last name and he even knew," he stopped talking,

Ethan frowned, "Knew what?"

Blake mentally facepalmed, "Just that you're staying here,"

"How could he possibly,"

"I was kind of hoping you could give me the answer to that," Blake said anticipating the question,

"Is that everything?"

"What do you mean?" Blake asked,

Ethan shrugged "Is that everything he knew?"

"Yeah," Blake lied, "That's all he said," He looked out the window thinking about what Max had said, his name was one thing but knowing about Trent was different. He clenched his fists then remembered who he was with and relaxed,

"So," he said, changing the subject, "How did it go with your friends?"

Ethan told him about Greg and how Jake's family had reacted and Blake shook his head the entire time,

"Do you know what it is that Greg did?"

Ethan shook his head, "He hasn't told me, the twins know though. I have ideas but I'd rather hear it from him."

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