10. A Forest of Emotion

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The twins walked slowly on the way to Ethan's house, they were early so they decided to take a detour through the park and Nate grabbed Jacie and pulled her behind a tree.

"What?" she demanded

He put his hand over her mouth "Shhh. Lucy is sitting over there"

Nate hissed in pain as she bit his hand,

"So what? That has nothing to do with us," she pointed out.

"She's sitting with Justin"

Jacie stared at him "Are you being serious?"

Nate nodded, "Take a photo then" she whispered

Nate nodded again and ripped his phone from his pocket, careful to make sure he wasn't visible he snapped a photo and Jacie snatched the phone away so she could inspect it.

She bit her lip "I wonder what they are doing together"

Nate shrugged and they both retreated from the park and sprinted towards Ethan's house, arriving at the expected time no longer mattered.

Jake laughed as Ethan flipped the chocolate pancakes and nearly dropped them, Ethan grinned and took the bowl away from Jake.

* * * * *

"I guess we aren't having chocolate cream with these pancakes," he teased

Jake looked at the floor guiltily "Sorry I like chocolate and cream" he mumbled

Ethan put a hand under his chin and lifted his head so they were looking at each other and smiled. "I know that," he told him, then walked to the fridge and came back with a second bowl. "Don't feel guilty."

Jake's eyes widened, "How did you know?"

Ethan shrugged, "You always order extra cream at Get Buzzed Jakey"

Jake could not help smiling "I have had so many arguments with my mother about calling me that, but it sounds right coming from you." He knew Ethan was watching him and shuffled nervously knowing it had been a bit of a risk to mention his mother.

Ethan smiled at the worried look on Jake's face and pulled him from his thoughts as he kissed him softly. Jake's heart fluttered and as warmth flowed through his body, he felt weak when they kissed it was as if he was melting but he loved the feeling. He put his hand on Ethan's cheek and kissed him back.

Ethan wrapped his arms around Jake and leant him against the bench as the kiss got deeper, he felt Jake melt in his arms but they broke apart when the timer went off and they sat down to have breakfast. They kept glancing at each other but looking away awkwardly when the other caught them. They wolfed down their food and went to sit on the lounge. There was a music show on so they sat there and listened to the music, Jake was leaning on Ethan with his head on his chest and Ethan had his arms wrapped around Jake. The doorbell rang five times they looked at each other, snorted and ran for the door.

Ethan looked through the door's spyhole "Of course it is them, only they would ring the doorbell five times" he laughed

"Are we sure it isn't someone else?" Jake joked,

"Come here Jakey," Ethan said softly

Jake felt the shiver of happiness when Ethan called him that again and stood next to him then Ethan wrapped his arms around Jake and opened the door.

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