14. The Hike Home

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Authors Note!

Sorry I really don't want to do these very often but I apologise for this update taking so long, I have been rather sick the last few days and I found it very difficult to concentrate on writing. I am feeling a bit better now though and I managed to finish this chapter and start the next one!!! I hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to add to your library, vote and comment what you think! As always I really appreciate that you read this story <3

Ethan kicked the stick half-heartedly, it bounced deceptively and vanished, becoming completely lost among the mess, the voices behind him got steadily louder and he sighed dejectedly. Jacie and Nate had taken opposite sides on the whole cave event and Jake hadn't spoken to him since despite Ethan's best intentions to apologise he hadn't wanted to hear them. When they'd gotten back to the camp he had gone directly to his tent and stayed there all day, Jacie and Nate had both tried to coax him out or at least get him to eat but with no success.

"Are you okay? Jacie asked having crept up behind him more quietly than he would have thought possible,

He shrugged "I don't know. I'm not really the right person to be here right now, I barely had anything close to friends before I moved here and I don't know how to deal with the kinds of troubles friends go through. I don't know how to help him" He shook his head helplessly,

Jacie smiled gently "What matters is that you're there when he needs you and vice versa. That's what a friendship is about, being able to support each other, We have had friends for years and we still have no idea what to do sometimes. Jake struggles at the best of times and recently with Justin"

Ethan frowned slightly, "I never meant to cause issues for him"

Jacie shook her head "We know that and he knows that."

Ethan sighed and slumped in the dirt, Jacie nudged him with her foot, "Go see him, don't take no for an answer."

Jake tossed the stress ball up in the air and caught it without looking, he was too deeply buried in his thoughts. He heard someone unzip the tent but he didn't look at them then he felt his sleeping bag shift with the changed weight.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked

Jake sighed "I want to be alone right now"

"That doesn't answer my question"

"It should, I can't make it any clearer."

Ethan fiddled with his sock "I'm sorry, I should have found a way to get you out of there."

Jake shook his head "I'm not upset about that, I just realised when we were down there that if we'd gotten lost or one of us had been hurt. Especially." He stopped "Never mind"

Ethan rubbed Jake's arm reassuringly "What is really bothering you?"

He smiled slightly, "Nothing, it's fine. It's my problem."

Ethan nodded and they sat in silence just feeling better in each other's company. Later the twins came and sat with them and although Jake didn't speak, Ethan knew Jake was happy to have them there and if he hadn't been Ethan would have kicked them out. As it got later Jake started to sag and eventually fell asleep, his head resting against Ethan's side.

Ethan watched him adoringly and stroked his back,

Jacie cleared her throat softly to get his attention "Should we go?" she mouthed,

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