40. True Motives

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Nate threw down the controller in disgust, "This level is stupidly difficult,"

Jacie watched the controller slide across the coffee table and come to a stop in front of her, "Calm down, it's just a game,"

Nate and Jake both looked outraged,

"That does not help at all," Nate told her,

Jake nodded, "That makes it so much worse,"

Jacie put her book down and grabbed the controller, "It is just a game though," she argued, She restarted the level, she had only taken a few steps forward when enemies emerged from the trees, there was an explosion and she died. Jacie raised an eyebrow, "Ok so it is hard, It is still just a game,"

Nate groaned and snatched the controller, "You don't get it,"

Jacie shook her head and picked her book up muttering something that sounded suspiciously close to stupid boys, Nate watched her for a moment but decided against responding and went back to playing the game.

Jacie's phone buzzed and she sighed putting her book down again. "Blake wants to know if we want to do dinner together tonight,"

Jake paused the game, "Did we have anything planned?"

"I was gonna make tacos," Nate said "There should be enough there, can you ask him to get some extra taco shells just in case,"

Jacie checked her phone again, "He'll be here by six," She grabbed her book and leaned back in her chair, and the boys went back to their game without another word.

Max slammed his fist on the desk angrily, "And what are you going to do if he's there," he growled,

Tee shrugged, "Does it matter?"

Max pointed at him, "It matters if you can't get a grip,"

Tee scowled, "I've done every damn thing you've asked of me in the last three years and you still don't trust me?"

"You know very well why I have my doubts about you,"

He sighed exasperatedly, "Who I am attracted to has nothing to do with my work,"

Max leaned back in his chair, "Did you know they kissed,"

Tee stared at him, "You're lying,"

Max shook his head smugly, "I'm not but the fact it bothers you proves that you aren't capable of following orders on this,"

"Your son is dead, it doesn't matter what they did."

"He was not my son," Max growled

"Are you seriously going to bench me on this? You don't have the numbers if you do."

Max's eye twitched with the effort to contain his anger, "There are plenty of agents willing to take your spot."

Tee laughed, "If any of the other agents could beat me maybe that would concern me. You've been recruiting heavily for years now and I'm the best you've found."

The pen Max was holding snapped and ink sprayed onto his hand but he didn't seem to notice, "You may be more skilled with your power than the others but-"

"It doesn't matter," Tee said interrupting him, "Because I'm not straight you keep looking for someone to replace me, I bet you are even hoping Lucy will be able to,"

Max smiled coldly, "Perhaps she will in time,"

"Well until then, you have no one capable of going up against those three. They lost their friend they are more unpredictable now and I can tell you right now that James-"

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