34. Cracked Hearts

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His mum was lying on the floor in the movie room at first he thought she had simply fallen asleep but then he noticed the reddish tinge to the black carpet around her. The world tilted threatening to tip him into the darkness, a wave of emotion crashed into him like a tsunami and ripped at his thoughts.

"MUM" he screamed, dropping to his knees in front of her, he let the electricity fade from his hand and quickly pulled out his phone for the torch. He quickly swung the beam around the room but there was no one there.

"Mum," he said more quietly this time, his voice trembling as tears welled in his eyes blurring his vision. His mum lay on her stomach her breathing ragged, from the light from the torch he could see her black jacket was wet, he turned her onto her back and his hands came back red. She didn't open her eyes, she looked pale and limp,

"No." He said panic attacked his mind furiously,

"No You're ok," he said softly, without hesitating he found the number and dialled it. It was answered on the second ring,

"Ethan, It's good to hear from you, How are-"

"Come to my house, it's an emergency," Ethan said cutting him off,

"Ethan, What's wrong?"

"JUST COME," Ethan yelled, wiping his tears on his sleeve, "Bring an ambulance too."

"I'll be there in ten minutes," Blake said and hung up,

"Mum, please don't leave me," Ethan sobbed, he undid the zipper on her jacket and underneath her once white shirt now a dark red clung to her skin. His hands shook as he undid the buttons and he gasped and looked away, he ripped the blanket from the lounge and tore long strips from it.

"Oh god," he sobbed, tears still poured down his cheeks and he punched the ground, "Pull yourself together," he said through gritted teeth, he grabbed the strips of the blanket and did his best to tie them tightly around her stomach trying to slow the bleeding but they quickly became soaked too. He could hear sirens in the distance,

"Ethan?" Blake called

"IN HERE" he screamed and he heard Blake running through the house, Ethan pointed the torch beam at the doorway so Blake could find them.

Blake burst into the room and saw Ethan kneeling by a woman who could only be his mother,

"Jesus Ethan, what the hell happened?" he said dropping to the ground next to him,

"I don't know," Ethan sobbed,

Blake's heart cracked seeing him so sad, "Good idea with the bandages,"

Ethan nodded through his tears, Blake bit his lip and wrenched his phone from his pocket and dialled a number, someone answered and Blake quickly started talking,

"Yeah, it's not looking good, a lot of blood, my best guess is deep lacerations to the abdomen and stomach." He waited as the person said something,

"No, I don't think they are self-inflicted. Better get the police over here too," Blake glanced around the room, "Yeah, it seems safe, doesn't appear to be anyone else here,"

He nodded and hung up, "What's your mum's name again?"

Ethan swiped at his tears, "Jean," he said softly,

Blake nodded, "Jean, my name is Blake, can you hear me?" He checked her pulse and listened to her breathing,

"She's so pale," Ethan said,

"She's lost a lot of blood Ethan, it's really good that you found her when you did."

A siren screamed from out the front and blue and red light danced across the walls,

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