Chapter 43: Obsessed

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We stand in a strange silence as the elevator slowly ascends

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We stand in a strange silence as the elevator slowly ascends. I look at James and he looks defeated, wrought with concern and worry. "So... this was... uhm... Different."

We both snicker, and James groans, "Urgh!!! It was a fucking disaster, love!"

James shakes his head and drops it onto my shoulder, drawing circles around my lower back with his fingers. He turns his head to face me, dreading my next words.

"How about we just go to our room and have copious amounts of sex?"

"Oh, thank God!! Yes!" James laughs loudly, before kissing me feverishly, slamming our bodies against the back of the elevator and lifting me up.

"Jamie?!" I muffle between mouthfuls of well, Jamie.

"I don't fucking care who sees us." He laughs as he keeps me firmly wrapped around his torso, carrying me out the elevator and down the corridor. A sweet looking housekeeper is still lingering in the corridor and steps aside, averting her gaze. James shoves me into the door of our hotel room and instructs me to take the card out of his dress jacket pocket.

We stumble through the doorway and into the suite, kissing and groping each other, desperately peeling off any material getting in the way of the essential goods.

James lowers me and I have just enough time to unbuckle his pants, fumbling clumsily, to free his frustrated erection which merely prompts me to rip off his shirt, buttons scattering around the old oak flooring.

"That was a Tom Ford shirt," he glowers at me as my nails rake down his chest and abs, following the happy trail that leads to wonderland, as the poor shirt hangs lifelessly around his broad shoulders.

"I'll buy you a new one." I hiss right before I let out a yelp as he hoists me back up again, shoving me against the stoned chateau walls.

My dress is halfway down my stomach and halfway up my thighs, dangling like a lopsided hoola hoop.

We fumble and fondle like two crazy crack addicts and James lines up his already glistening dick before thrusting into me, we both let out groans of euphoria; finally the hit we've been craving for all these months apart. The ecstasy pumps through my veins as my walls adjusts to his girth, welcoming him back in victory.

It's erratic and feverous, not caring that we're still practically clothed. My hand grips into his hair while the other wraps under his shoulder, clinging on desperately while he pounds into me, my knees around his elbows, his hands holding my hips and butt still as he drives into me.

"Fuck, I missed how amazing you feel!!" James praises me.

The feral fuckery continues, nothing but the slapping of our bodies and my moans could be heard as James pants loudly in my ear.

"Ava, come for me, love." He grunts. "Otherwise, this is going to stick to the bad date theme and be a rather mediocre performance on my behalf."

We both laugh, and I love the playfulness masked between our desperation. He kisses me wildly, as I feel a tingling sensation spread from my toes, up my legs and into my heated core.

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