Chapter 60: Jung Padawan

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My leg bobs nervously as I impatiently wait in the waiting area

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My leg bobs nervously as I impatiently wait in the waiting area. It's my first visit since Ava's last episode and I'm as anxious as ever to see her again.

Ava has refused any visitors for the past week. Dr. Khan says it's a positive sign; that she's determined to get better and doesn't want to be around loved ones until she can trust herself with us. But I just want to see my girl. And be there for her. And let her know she's not alone.

The only contact she's had is the odd phone call here and there, using the designated patient's phone, and mainly opting to speak to Adam. Rightfully so. So I've only heard from him as to how his mom is doing, and that she misses me.

After what happened... the questions about terminating the pregnancy, Ava finally coming to the rude awakening about how she's been drowning in her trauma... the heartbreaking way it all went down, I felt like an absolute wanker because I started questioning everything.

And I needed to get away, find a place to clear my head and regroup. Farah had warned the spousal/partner role would be challenged. I felt broken, running on empty and I thought it was time for a distraction.

So there was only one real option: Scotland.

Adam and I played poker as we took a train ride to Glasgow. (Yes, I've taught the kid how to play poker. And yes, he beats me every time. I just can't read his poker face.) He lost his mind when he realized it's the same route as the Hogwarts Express.

He's been staying over on weekends, to give Suri and Wally a break. I've fortunately only had one race in between all this madness. Which was equally abysmal.

I don't want to talk about it.

Adam was an absolute hit with Dad and Sandy, and I even got to spend time with my big sis, Arabella and my niece and nephew. Charlie missed out as he's busy with exams at med school.

Ari has always been the stoic, serious one... I suppose when her knobhead of a boyfriend bailed on her out of the blue after they had two kids, she's been rather stressed and serious. And I can relate. For the first time. Adam isn't a handful or anything but having a kid is demanding.

Ari looked at me differently, seeing me dote on Adam the one afternoon Dad and Sandy invited us over for lunch. I was making sure he finished his lunch before we headed back home to the farmhouse, which is thankfully fully renovated. But I promised him we'd get to repair my old go-kart since the very day I met him. So that was the weekend's objective.

We honestly had a blast. I'm glad I took him away for the weekend. Initially, we'd only speak about racing and Ava, and I wondered if we'd run out of things to talk about. But we haven't. Its nonstop talking, joking and laughing, we built a few LEGO sets, stayed up and watched every Jurassic Park movie ever made. It was exactly what we both needed considering the woman we love dearly is going through the most. It was great seeing Dad and Adam interact and get along too, and it made me excited for having my own kid. But my heart broke at the realisation that that may not happen.

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