Chapter 12: Gabriel

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I met Gabriel at a farewell party for one of my colleagues about two weeks after Gianna's birthday

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I met Gabriel at a farewell party for one of my colleagues about two weeks after Gianna's birthday. Andrea has been the head of nursing at our orthopedic hospital and she's brilliant. But her fiancé is a veterinarian and he got offered the job of a lifetime: To work as a wildlife vet in Africa.

Ah the motherland.

To say I'm jealous is an understatement. Andrea's fiancé had already left for Kenya and her plan is to do some field and humanitarian work since he'll be making more than enough money for the both of them.

Again, jealous AF.

Gabriel caught my eye the second I walked into the pub. It was a laidback event, most of Andrea's colleagues, like me, were either nurses or doctors, knocking off from long shifts, so we kind of stood out from the rest of the people grabbing drinks after work. Some were in their nurse uniforms or scrubs, some casually dressed, some formally dressed.

Gabriel stood at the bar, chatting to a nurse I had once performed surgery alongside. He looked up and smiled shyly, raising his eyebrows as his eyes filtered down the black pencil dress I was wearing.

The nurse turned to look at who had garnered his attention and nodded at the familiarity. She worked in the spinal unit of a neighbouring hospital, and I recall having to assist with a polytrauma surgery once. And beyond that, I hit a complete blank: I couldn't remember her name! She had me in a dead-gaze-lock and there was honestly nowhere else I could go. As I walked towards her, I let out a sigh of relief; she still had her name badge on. Sr Cecilia-Ann Hodge.

A nurse name if ever there were one.

We greeted, and once the pleasantries were over, the guy she was talking to cleared his throat.

"Ah yes, Dr. King, this is Dr.Daniels, he's a surgeon at the LHNN. I used to work there."

That makes sense, that's the same hospital Andrea used to work at. Hashtag sorry not sorry for poaching her.

Wait... LHNN... London Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery... is Dr. Fuckmenow Daniels a neurosurgeon?

We shook hands politely, ("Call me Gabriel... Call me Ava.")

Gabriel offered to buy me a drink and eventually Nurse Cecilia felt like the third wheel and ventured elsewhere. He was wearing a three piece black suit, tailored to absolute perfection and halfway through our conversation, took his suit jacket off revealing a crisp white shirt and black waistcoat which showed off his broad chest and shoulders.

He is fine as all hell. He had the attention of every woman who passed our way... I got stank-eyes for days.

He's handsome in that annoying way: Very tall and muscular. A tan that doesn't make sense in London. Light honey-coloured eyes. Brown, buzz cut hair shaved slightly shorter at the sides showing the slightest hint of silver. Faint, deliberate facial hair. And sharp features that looks like it could either smolder in one moment or be cold and icy in the next.

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