Chapter 54: Run

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I slowly come to, the blue eyes of my love drawing me in like a lighthouse does a lost ship from the depths of the abyss

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I slowly come to, the blue eyes of my love drawing me in like a lighthouse does a lost ship from the depths of the abyss. There's a stormy grey hue to his usual ocean blue eyes. He looks somber.

What is he still doing here?

"Your race." I croak and Jamie startles. He gives me a sip of the water, kissing my forehead while sliding my glasses up my nose.

It's dark outside and the hospital sounds quiet. I probably slept right through visiting times and missed seeing Adam.

"Your race, Jamie." I repeat.

"That's not important right now, Ava." He smirks and shakes his head.

"You're going to miss it?"

"They've got the reserve driver ready. And besides I've won every race so far this season, so I might as well give the others a chance to catch up."

I smile. My first real smile in ages. "There's the cocky bastard I know and love."

Shit, did I just say love?

"Are you hungry?" He asks with a familiar naughty grin.

Right on cue, my stomach lurches horribly and Jamie presses the buzzer.

"I want to freshen up and sit up for a bit." He looks at me with uncertainty, but I give him my best smile and he sighs in defeat.

"Fine, but let's wait for Nurse to get back."

When she returns, the nurse and James help me out of the bed. My head spins violently and I break out in a sweat as I simply sit on the edge of the bed.

"Maybe we should do this tomorrow morning love, after a good night's rest." James worries out loud.

"No, it'll feel the same either way. I've got to do this."

I stand up with their help and feel the stitches at my fresh new laparotomy scar pull tightly, burning like crazy on the inside, causing me to double over.

"We should wait for the PT," the nurse huffs. But James glares at her.

"She said she wanted to do this. So we're doing it." He says definitively.

I smile my thanks and I suppose there's no going back now.

After what feels like a great trek to the bathroom, the nurse helps me wash my face and brush my teeth, and freshen up my lady bits.

James stands guard outside and he's ever the handsome walking aid when I return from the bathroom, helping me into the chair which has become his makeshift bed all day.

He watches me eat and I insist on us sharing, but he waits for me to finish and nibbles on the leftovers.

"You really ought to have a proper meal," I look at his haggard appearance.

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