Chapter 59: Actual Demons

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My follow up appointments with Dr

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My follow up appointments with Dr. Harry and Dr. Owen are upon us. These past few weeks have actually been a mindfuck of epic proportions, and I honestly can't recall much.

It feels like everyday is more or less the same and I'm struggling to differentiate the days. But I suppose routine is good. Although, my paranoia wonders if my meds aren't causing some sort of imbalance resulting in frequent forgetfulness and well, paranoia.

My favourite pastime these days has been huddled at the back of Jamie's motorcycle. My ribs have healed so the vibrations aren't painful, nor is sitting on the actual motorcycle. I wait anxiously for him to come home and after lunch we just ride for what feels like hours before Adam gets home. It's so liberating and freeing, my mind is at ease. And it's an excuse to snuggle up with Jamie who looks and smells sexy as fuck in his biker leathers. That leather infused Eau de James really is a panty dropper of note.

I'm anxious about the appointment with Dr. Harry. I had to do special blood tests which would detect any chromosomal abnormalities with the fetus.

I'm not sure why we are having this appointment at six weeks when the follow up was supposed to be at four weeks and me being sixteen week pregnant. But I guess I don't really get to make decisions anymore. Maybe Dr. Owen and Dr. Harry wanted to kill two birds with one stone by coordinating their appointments.

Or did I already have my sixteen week checkup? Fuck my mind is a tangent these days. Although, I do recall being at hospital for some reason.

James is at my side. Standard.

He looks tired. Must be all the training and press for the next race which is the social event of the year: the Monte Carlo Grand Prix.

Dr. Harry lets us know all the tests came back clear and other than an iron supplement he'd like to prescribe, he's happy with the fetal growth but would still like me to put on some more weight. I've kind of been losing weight instead of gaining weight.

"By our next appointment, we should know if it's a boy or girl. I have an inkling but I'd rather be sure."

I have an inkling, too. I watched the pelvic and abdominal sonars and as frazzled as my mind has been, at least I still have a keen eye for ultrasounds.

"Any questions?" He asks. And I look at Jamie tentatively. Despite looking tired, he seems giddy and excited, practically bouncing on his chair, which breaks my heart at what I'm about to ask.

"Is it too much of a risk following my recent abdominal surgery to terminate the pregnancy?"

"What?!" James blurts out, dropping the hand he so affectionately held as though betrayed and poisoned by it.

Dr. Harry looks at Dr. Owen and then tentatively at the two of us. "Perhaps this is a matter for you to discuss privately first."

"I just want to know the risks." I say flatly. I can surmise the risk of infection would be the greatest risk.

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