Chapter 50: Rage, rage

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Listening to Molly's drawling soliloquy, I try to remain calm

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Listening to Molly's drawling soliloquy, I try to remain calm. But everything this bitch says just makes my blood boil.

I just wonder what life would have been like for Gabriel if he hadn't met her. Pierce seemed decent enough. Clueless when it came to parenting, but I doubt he'd have approved of his underage grandson being in a submissive tryst with one of his employees.

I keep waiting for Gabriel to show up.

Seriously, where the fuck is he?

Not that I'm eager to see him, but I'm scared he got to Maya, cornered her off. I know first hand how he gets when he's mad, if he hurt her because of my foolishness and determination to outsmart him, I'll never be able to live with myself.

I wish he was here, to hear this narcissistic twat talk. Would he be indifferent? Could I reason with him? Or is he so deep under her spell that he's beyond reasoning with?

Hearing her speak about Iris, I feel sick to my core. Up until she verified the Malcolm/Sophia connection, I was worried they had just played me. I can see the extensive work they've done on each of my friends, and family members. I thought perhaps they left these Easter eggs just to create the illusion of Gabriel being Malcolm, to lure me here and mess with me.

But it really is him.

Gabriel Malcolm Daniels.

And he is the one Iris has tried so hard to evade and forget all these years. The monster I convinced myself Gabriel was nothing like. But I led him straight to her. To Maya.

I was so determined to prove to myself that he wasn't a monster, that I used Iris's story to gauge his reaction. At the time he looked as mortified as I felt. I now understand he was mortified because it sounded too familiar.

As Molly yacks on, I go from feeling sorry for him, empathizing with him, grieving with him, to becoming down right petrified of him. I thought Gabriel was just an abusive narcissist, but this is some next level shit. He's killed two people in cold blood. And worse— he got off on it.

How did he get away with two murders??

Is he going to kill me?

Molly said that she was happy he didn't find Iris when she left him; she said that his rage was unparalleled.

Yet here I am, waiting in the jaguar's den, after defying him, trying to outsmart him, and, in his mind, cheating on him with James; the monitors still showing our sexcapade in Nice on loop.

Unparalleled rage meet Ava King.

Shivers run up and down my spine when I learn that he's no longer infatuated with Iris. Temporary relief that he's exorcised his revenge on her by abducting Maya, is immediately replaced with an icy, deathlike fear, paralyzing my being.

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