Chapter 18: The Waiting Game

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It's towards the end of January, and I've settled into the New Year quite easily

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It's towards the end of January, and I've settled into the New Year quite easily. My practices are busy, my waiting list is now over seven months long, so I've added an extra day of performing surgeries, in an attempt to unclog the backlog.

Gabriel is as busy, but I like that I don't have someone hounding me 24/7 and that I have my space. We are both making an attempt to see where this thing goes. He's still on that hot and cold buzz but we see each other at least twice a week either for a quick lunch or dinner. It's casual and easy.

When I'm not at work, my first priority is Adam. He's prepping for the start of his racing season, and after much debate and refusal on my behalf, I finally agreed that he gets to choose a sponsor this year, provided he gets good grades. It's quite a big deal.

Oh yes, speaking of Adam.

Over dinner last week, I told Gabriel about Adam. To say I was nervous was an understatement. His first response was, "Is the dad still in the picture?"

He didn't ask how old Adam is nor what's he like.

Did he already know?

And when I said there's no dad in the picture, he shrugged and said, "Ok cool."

And that was that.

He refers to Adam as "the kid" and hardly ever brings him up.

"I don't have an issue with you having a kid, Ava," he says after I asked him the obvious question. "I've never really wanted kids of my own and I'm not that great with kids having never really been around them when I was younger. So it's a foreign idea for me."

I suppose he needs time, and I'm in no rush for him to meet Adam anytime soon.

Gabriel and I both have a rare day off on the same day, so I spent the night before at his place for the first time and unsurprisingly, I was treated like the Queen. He doted on me, cooked us dinner, drew a lovely candlelit bath, showered me with some gifts from Victoria's Secret and Chanel.

"You do know I can buy my own stuff, right?" I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously.

"I know. But I just like treating you."

Good enough answer for me.

And the Queen even got to sleep in her very own room.

Down the passage.

Far Far Away from King Gabriel the Prudish.

Luckily, I packed Naomi. Who is Naomi you might ask? My trusted vibrator, that's who.

Side note: Naomi spelt backwards is "I moan." Fitting don't you think?

And while I settle in bed, removing one of my newly acquired (but totally wasted) lingerie sets; Naomi gets down to business and my mind races about Gabriel... and his sexy, stubbly smirk... his skillful padded fingers and how I wish they could roam my body... imagining what he'll feel like when he's finally inside me... those sultry ocean blue bedroom eyes that make my heart flutter more than usual.

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