Chapter 7: A Good Girl

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James opens the bed covers with one hand and carefully lowers my spent body onto the bed, rolling over it gingerly before pulling the duvet over us

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James opens the bed covers with one hand and carefully lowers my spent body onto the bed, rolling over it gingerly before pulling the duvet over us.

We lay side by side, on our backs, panting and both recollecting the events of the past few hours.

This guy is a machine. He can't be single. Was that four times? 6 orgasms?!  I probably smell like sex. Fuck, I hope I don't smell like sex.

It's crazy. I didn't want him to hold back. Being with James was like a drug; and I wanted the strongest dose of him.

My silent reflection is broken when James lets out a guttural moan from his belly.

"Urgh!" He groans and laughs, covering his face with his arms, juddering his lips.

"You ok?" I laugh.

"That was.... fuck." He gushes. "Where do I even begin?"

"I know, right? It was insane." I can't help but giggle. "For the record, I've never done anything like this before. But boy, have I been missing out."


"Hooking up with someone I've just met." I feel like we're way past the pleasantries. Evidently.

He turns to face me and kisses the palm of my hand, as I had done earlier. "You're insatiable."

Whispering sweet nothings. Focus, Ava.

"I need to freshen up." I divert. "And I'm hungry as fuck."

"Me too! I'm in dire need of electrolytes." He chuckles.

"I'd bet. Why don't you go raid the kitchen for leftovers?" I ask, as I sit up on the side of the bed, suddenly feeling ravenous; the traditional kind, not whatever just happened between us.

"Yes ma'am."

"Cool. Then I suppose you can stay." I gesture around the bed casually.

James let's out a chortle. "Unless you're a wham, bam, thank you ma'am kinda girl. If that's the case I'll be on my merry way." He teases, pecking at my shoulder and running his hand down my arm.

"No, I like to keep my men satisfied... and fed. You know how the saying goes."

"What? The way to a man's heart is through is belly?" He nuzzles my neck, getting caught up in my hair once more.

"A dirtier variation of that." I chuckle and squirm away from him. "Keep his balls empty and his belly full."

We both laugh aloud, and then shush each other (pointless I know, but the intention was there.)

"Hmmm very poetic words to live by." James hums into my ear, connecting with that sweet spot.

"I take it seriously." I scoff, standing up and watching him bite his lip as I walk to the bathroom.

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