Chapter 11: (un)Lucky Cat

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Warning: The next bit contains scenes of nudity, strong language, sex

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Warning: The next bit contains scenes of nudity, strong language, sex... lots of sex. Affirmations. Hand holding. And gushiness caused by a whirlwind romance.

If these are triggers then please skip.




Or it would have been if James hadn't ghosted me.

Apologies for the abruptness. I'm clearly still bitter from the whole ordeal.

I'm currently boarding a plane to Cape Town. Fuck London and it's miserable weather making me feel equally miserable and pathetic. I need to regroup and reset.

Adam is so excited to see his cousins and friends. It's been quite the transition for him, and while kids do adapt quicker to new environments, I know it hasn't been easy for him. Adam is great; he's made some friends, he's doing well with the go-karting, but I can tell he misses home. I do too. I'm ever grateful to my parents for making the move with me to London. I don't know how I would have coped on my own.

The last few weeks before Christmas have been crazy at work. Christmas parties and festivities generally means more drunk driving and accidents, so I've been inundated with work even though my electives are done for the year.

Not to mention the whole James thing.

Seriously. I don't want to talk about it.

I guess I'm also just feeling a bit guilty that I haven't been all that present with Adam so going home means we get to spend some quality time together. We're set for a week in Cape Town where we'll spend Christmas; I have a nice beach home over in Bantry Bay. And then we're off to the bush for another week. Some nature, safari and peace and quiet for New Years.





James. Maybe speaking about it will be cathartic.

Probably not. But here goes:
(Cue depressing breakup music)


After saying our goodbyes and heading off to my surgery the Sunday morning after that night, I couldn't help but feel different... new somehow.

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