Chapter 27: Fools Rush In

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The anniversary party is an overwhelming success

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The anniversary party is an overwhelming success. Gianna bawled her eyes out for a solid ten minutes, kissing and thanking everyone before her and Antonio mysteriously disappeared for about thirty minutes.

When they casually return, she has a very evident after-glow and makes her way straight to me.

"You are welcome," she smirks.


"Christening your new home. I know you haven't gotten laid in a while so you. are. welcome." She teases with a shimmy. "Maybe you should sleep in the guest bedroom tonight. Your bed is awfully springy!"

I glare at her the same way she glared at Ava and I the morning after her birthday. Despite my annoyance I'm glad to see Gianna like this. She and Antonio have found their mojo again and I couldn't be happier, even if it came at my bedroom's expense.

"That was payback for what you and Ava did in my guest bedroom. Hashtag sorry, not sorry."

She chuckles loudly and my face falls momentarily when I see Gabriel standing behind Gianna on his way to get drinks; he definitely heard Gianna's jest.

He gives me a sneering look but turns on the charm when he sees Gianna, greeting her sweetly and congratulating her and Antonio.

"Ellis," he nods at me and I just nod back. I can see right through him; I don't buy the bullshit for one second and its got fuck all to do with jealousy.

I realized that I've been neglecting my date, so I rush over, whiskey in hand, only to find Oliver in deep conversation with Ava and Charlie.


"Ah, I see you've introduced Olly and Ava, thanks bruv." I nod to Charlie and Ava gives me a polite smile as Oliver weaves his fingers through mine and sips on his whiskey. I can't help but stiffen up awkwardly as I see Ava's smile falter slightly at our locked hands.

Gabriel joins us, and does that unnecessary possessive waist pull, drawing Ava closer to him.

Might as well just piss all over her mate, mark your territory and what not.

"How's your dad doing, James?" Ava asks politely. She knows exactly how my dad is doing. They chat once a week and not just about his rehab... They chat about everything; rugby, politics, religion... and, God forbid, his sexual antics.

Christ, at this rate, I think my dad wants to adopt her.

"He's doing really well. I saw him walking about the kitchen without his crutches the other day, while video calling him."

"I'm glad. I think he might just be my all time favorite patient." She shrugs sweetly.

"Well, Ava is the best." Charlie says proudly.

"Thanks, Charles." She muses, ever the sport.

"Speaking of, I'm a huge fan of your work, Dr. Daniels," Charlie remarks.

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