Chapter 5: Fetal Position

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"Hey, you're still awake?" I ask, whispering lowly

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"Hey, you're still awake?" I ask, whispering lowly.

Gianna scares me, ok?

"Evidently." Ava's voice sounds tired. "I can't sleep. You?"


I'm horny as fuck. But that's not the reason why I'm standing at her door. I need to fix this.

I'm not entirely sure why it matters that Ava doesn't think I'm a prick. It hasn't mattered to me before, and most of the women and men I've hooked up with generally know what they're getting into (and out of) with me, so it has actually worked in my advantage.

"I just wanted to check if you're alright. You know, after Hurricane Gianna came storming in?"

"Yeah, she's going to have our balls on a plate in the morning!" Ava says in hushed tones, inviting me in. We sit on opposite ends of the couch at the base of the bed practicing good, safe social distancing.

Again, her practicality continues to impress.

"It sounded like she gave you quite the mouthful when I left the kitchen."

"She did. And rightfully so. I was bang out of order. You are incredible, Ava. And I don't regret kissing you for one second." I smile nervously. "I just don't want you to think that I fed you stories the whole evening in some measly attempt to get into your knickers. I don't often open up to people, let alone someone I've only met and not to this extent. Granted, we have been high and goofing around the entire evening. But I think that's what made it more real. Not even my therapist knows some of the stuff I've told you." I laugh, and feel embarrassed that I admitted that.

"I guess it felt good getting all of that off my chest and good about myself in general and perhaps I got a bit selfish, and wanted more 'goodness' without thinking about you and how you would feel. And I'm sorry for that." I sigh, anxiously awaiting her response.

Ava takes some time to process everything that I said, nodding slowly.

"There's no need to apologize. I didn't feel like you took advantage of me. It's not like I asked you to stop." Ava says, and I'm aware of the heat in her cheeks as she avoids eye contact. "And I get what you're saying. I haven't opened up to anyone in a while either. Like you said, it felt good."

"So we're good?"

"We're good."

"Ok, good!" I clasp my hands in relief.

"Good." Ava says, nodding.

Now what?

"All that being said," I say, leaning across to hold her hand. "It doesn't take away from the fact that I still really, really enjoyed our little interaction in the kitchen."

Leaning towards Ava slowly, my lips are softly placed onto hers, while I cup her face tentatively. Ava holds onto my forearm as her lips relax and she latches onto my bottom lip, smiling as we introduce each other's tongues into the mix.

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