Chapter 14

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As Deacan drove by his house to the driveway, he saw someone sitting on his porch. It was almost 7:30 at night and it was hot. Though it was the middle of September, Summer weather hadn’t gotten the notice to clear out and make way for Fall. Whoever was sitting outside had to be uncomfortable. Since he’d forgotten to change the bulb in the light fixture, he couldn’t make out who the person was. He parked in the driveway and got out.

Once he got close enough, her blond hair came into view from behind the shrubs and in that instance, he hated himself for not trimming them lower. Jennifer stood up from the chair she’d been in, the bottom of her red dress blowing in the breeze that offered little respite in this heat. She smiled when she saw him and that just irritated him even more.

“You must be lost.”

Her smile wavered a little at the chill in his voice, but then she plastered it back on like they were old friends.

“Deacan. You look good.”

He didn’t acknowledge the compliment, but squinted at her and asked, “Why are you here?” She walked down the three steps and stood in front of him. Deacan placed his belongings in front of his body to keep some distance between them. Looking him up and down, she stopped just shy of looking him in his eyes. He heard a sniffle and Jennifer blew out a shuddering breath.

“I miss you,” she said softly.

Deacan didn’t say anything. He stepped past her and walked up the steps to his front door.  Shifting the plans in his hands, he unlocked his door and stepped inside, slamming it behind him. He took several deep breaths as he walked into his living room, sitting the plans on the table so they wouldn’t be crushed in his anger. There was a light knock on the door. Deacan continued breathing and pacing.

He went to find a light bulb to change the one on the porch. His mind couldn't help but think that if the light on the porch had been on, he wouldn't have been ambushed. Sure, that wasn't the most logical, but logic and outrage didn't usually go hand in hand. Hoping she’d go away if he just ignored her, he took his time. If he never saw her again, it would be too soon. As Deacan approached the door, she knocked harder.

Flinging the door open, Deacan spat in a deadly whisper, “Have you lost your damn mind? What the hell did you think coming here would accomplish? You think telling me you miss me is going to melt my heart, make me come back to you?! NEVER!”

Jennifer stood on the porch and had the audacity to be shocked. “Why are you being like this?! I’m sorry and I was wrong. We can work this out. I know you still love me.”

Deacan took a step back and laughed. He couldn’t believe what was coming out of her mouth or the fact that she believed it, but then again, she was very good at pretending. She had to be delusional if she thought he would take her back.

“I don’t want you.”

Jennifer raised her hand to her face as if he’d slapped her. She looked hurt and confused. “But you have to. You still love me, I know you do. No one just gets over someone that quickly. You’re just confused. Just let me come in and we can talk about it.” She was begging and she was fine with that, as long as it got her what she wanted, as long as it got her Deacan back.

Deacan scoffed and shook his head. Before he could say anything, he heard a car door close and watched as Jennifer turned to see Erica coming up the walkway. Erica looked up from her phone and tilted her head when she saw them. Her face was neutral as she continued toward them. When she was at the steps, she finally spoke.

“Well, not what I expected to see. What’s going on?” Her voice was even, monotone. There was no emotion in it.

“Jennifer was leaving.”

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