Chapter 24

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"Are you sure I can't help with anything, Mom?"

"Girl, no. The kitchen staff have it all together," Lacy replied as she pulled cinnamon rolls out of the oven. She waved her hand over them, wafting the scent toward her. Lacy sighed in contentment and smiled.

Erica watched her mom and chuckled, "Uh...if they have it, what are you doing then?"

"Making my famous caramel rolls for you, but if you wanna be smart..." She trailed off as she moved to put the ingredients back for the caramel topping. Erica was on her feet in a flash, standing next to her mother.

"Now, now, mother, let's not get crazy!" Erica said. She passed her mom the sugar, butter, and cream, then walked around the kitchen looking at all the prepped food. Tomorrow was Thanksgiving and it was going to be the cherry on top of a great week so far. She and Deacan had spent hours on the beach; walking it, swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, laying in the sand. Mitchell and her parents joined them yesterday when they swam with the dolphins. Deacan almost drowned from laughing at his uncle. The dolphins had snuck up on him and when they bumped him, Mitchell screamed like the main girl in a horror film.

That night, they had a bonfire, roasting meat and making s'mores. Mitchell told stories of Deacan growing up. He talked about how he would come home from school and head straight to the garage to work on a project. Deacan had been the quiet guy throughout school. He got good grades, but mostly stayed to himself. There weren't a lot of friends to speak of.

"Deacan was a shy kid. He went further into himself when his mother died," Mitchell stated. As the firelight flickered across his face, you could see that he had gone back in time. "I tried to push him into sports, but they weren't his thing. Signed him up for different groups, but those didn't stick. He loved building and creating, so I eventually stopped trying to push him into other stuff. Eventually, I let him help me with my work. Hell, sometimes he improved it!"

Deacan sat next to Erica with his head in his hand. His uncle was embarrassing the hell out of him, but he knew it was only because he was proud of him. Erica nudged his shoulder and they both exchanged goofy grins.

"Now he's got this good girl and I don't think I have to worry so much about him anymore," Mitchell said, causing Deacan to put his arm around Erica. "He seems a lot calmer, like he's at peace."

"I know what you mean," Lacy chimed in, "Erica's had stars in her eyes the whole time she's been here."

"Geez thanks, Mom," Erica replied with her face in Deacan's chest.

John gave a hearty laugh before adding his two cents, "It's true, baby girl. You've always had a big, open heart, but you also hold in your hurts. That can turn you cold. Watching you with Deacan, seeing how you two speak to each other, it's different from you and Jonathan. Dare I say, better."

Erica kissed Deacan's cheek and snuggled into him. The sound of the water creating a soothing lullaby that had each of them thinking of life's various paths. Erica took a deep breath and her eyes went wide.

"Uncle Mick, you lightin' up again?"

He laughed and said, "I like weed and it helps with the aches and pains. Ain't no shame in my game!" Mitchell lifted the joint to his mouth and took a long hit. He did a little dance as he let it settle in and pointed the joint out to the others, silently asking if they wanted in on it.

"Aww heck, why not," Lacy exclaimed and plucked the joint from Mitchell's fingers.

Erica chuckled at the memory of last night and said, "Mom, you nearly gave Dad a heart attack smoking that joint!"

Lacy was pouring the caramel over the rolls and nearly dropped the pot from laughing so hard. "Girl, your father is just dramatic! I've smoked before. And so has he, don't tell him I told you that."

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