Chapter 32

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"You just heard me turn the alarm off, babe." Erica listened to Deacan's worried words as she prepped the studio for business. "I know you're worried, but nothing new has happened. You need to be at the office for this new project."

"Are you sure you can't stay home today or move things around until I'm finished with this meeting?" he asked again.

"Deacan," Erica let out an exasperated laugh, "since it's New Year's Eve, I knew you'd be worried so I only have appointments today, no open classes. Everyone had to send ID when they registered. I even asked for other pics just to be sure. If that ain't the person that comes to the door, they ain't getting in. And I'm keeping the door locked."

Deacan sighed and tried to reign in his panic, "I'm gettin on your nerves, aren't I?" She gave him another laugh, one absent of irritation.

"I know you're concerned, but I have to live and make a living. Just get here when you can. I'll be fine."

"You're right. I just..." Deacan trailed off as he thought about the feeling he'd had the past few days. Jennifer had texted him from an unknown number since he'd blocked hers.

I miss you. I know if we could just sit and talk, I could make you understand. We were good together. We need each other, Deacan.

Deacan hadn't told Erica about it when it happened. It was the day after Christmas and they were hanging with family and friends. He'd been getting messages of late well wishes throughout the day. When he first saw the notification, he was confused since there was no number and thought it was a mistake. Then he knew who it was because his name was in the message. Anger and a bit of pity swirled around in him toward Jennifer.

He wanted her to move the hell on. There would never be anything between them again. Why couldn't she get that? Deacan planned to tell Erica about the message but forgot about it as the day went on. He hadn't thought about it until yesterday when he got another message from a different unknown number.

I'm coming!

The message came right as a black car rolled past him. It looked similar to the car that stopped in the street at Erica's studio. Those two things made him realize he'd seen a black car a few times. It had driven past his house twice after the studio incident. Both times the car had slowed down as if looking for an address or something, but they kept going. A few days after Erica's opening, he'd seen a black car sitting outside his job. Then yesterday, it drove past him at the gym.

Since nothing suspicious or crazy happened and there had to be hundreds of black cars with tinted windows in St. Louis, he didn't think anything of it. Now, it felt a bit weird. Was he being followed? Jennifer wouldn't do all that, would she? Was the last message meant for him or was it a mistake? It didn't have his name in it so it could've been a wrong number.

"Deacan, you there?" Erica asked after he hadn't finished his sentence.

"Yeah. I need to tell you about something, but I'll do it when I see you. Please be extra careful, babe."

Now Erica sounded concerned. "Ooookaaay. Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Let me get in here. Sooner we start, the sooner I'm with you. I love you." He hung up before she could reply.

Erica locked the door and slightly opened the blinds. Deacan's nervousness was starting to get to her. She made a note to order a door camera from the security company then changed into a leotard, tank top, and leggings, ready for her first appointment.

"Alright ladies! Y'all gone have those men ready to tear your clothes off!" Erica yelled at the group of four as they practiced a striptease. When the song ended two minutes later, Erica applauded the women and gave them some tips to add a little more sexy to the dance. Once they were gone, Erica sat at the front desk, going through messages and bills.

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