Chapter 3

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Deacan said good night to his co-workers and walked to his car. He left the bar, having long since sobered up, and couldn't wait to get home to his bed. Though he enjoyed the night out, he also enjoyed sleep. When he got to his car, he saw a card under his wiper. Thinking it was some type of advertisement, Deacan snatched it off and got into the car. He dropped the card on the passenger's seat and took off for home.

His eyelids began to droop as he drove and he was thankful for only being about five minutes away from home. Deacan was practically drooling for the sleep he was about to get. He'd been working hard the past few days and his body screamed for rest. He concentrated on not hitting the trash can as he pulled into his garage. The garage door closed behind him as he exited his car. When it was completely closed, he entered his house and immediately stripped out of his clothes.

Deacan's phone pinged, halting his ascent up the stairs to his bed. There was a quick internal battle as to whether he really needed to know who was texting him. He walked back to where his khakis laid on the floor and fished his phone out of his pocket. The brightness of the screen shocked a bit of the sleepiness out of him. It took a minute for his brain to decipher the message that his friend hadn't made it for drinks that night because he was helping one of his sisters.

Since he was there, Deacan picked up his clothes and carried them upstairs with him. He threw them in the vicinity of his hamper and fell onto his bed. The coolness of the sheet on his naked body pulled him in deeper. He pulled the cover over his lower half and breathed out her name before he was swallowed in the abyss, “...en…”


Deacan sighed as his body forced him to wake up. He placed his left arm over his eyes to deepen the darkness the sunlight was peeking through. It had been a hard few days between work and his personal life. He'd thrown himself into work to keep the hounds of his broken relationship at bay. They were never assuaged as they nipped at the corners of his mind during the day and howled loudly throughout his thoughts and dreams in the night.

It hurt to think about her and what she'd done to him. The thought of the ring that sat in the red velvet box in his dresser caused an ache so deep it seared brokenness into his bones.

“Guess I'll take that back,” Deacan spoke out into the darkness that matched his mood. He reached for his phone and saw that it was 10:00 AM. This was a late start for him. He caught a whiff of her scent on the other pillow and a tear slid down his face. “I wanted to marry that girl. How could she do this to me?”

He wiped the moisture from his cheek and got out of bed. As he crossed to the bathroom, he put last night's discarded clothes in the hamper. Her voice wormed around in his head, reminding him to put his clothes away.

The hot water from the shower was a welcome relief. He scrubbed himself clean and used more pressure than usual. He wanted to wash the feel of her body on his away.  There was a craving for her body right now as memories of shower sex intruded. The feel of her sucking on his collarbone as his hands slid up into her blonde hair. Her pert breasts gliding across his chest. His mouth would find hers and it would feel like finding the air he needed to breathe.

None of that would be happening anymore. Deacan had worked himself up, but he couldn't bring himself to relieve his stress to her image. He needed to start moving past her. She wasn't any good for him. He was better off without her. His head knew that, but his emotions needed to catch up.

Deacan dried himself and found some comfortable clothes. He didn't have to go to the office today so a tank top and basketball shorts would do. His stomach growled loudly, signaling a need to be filled. He walked down the stairs and headed straight for the kitchen. The great debate of Frosted Flakes or Pops cereal reared its head again. He grabbed a bowl and settled on the flakes this time. Taking a seat on the couch, Deacan scrolled through Facebook.

The third post down stopped his heart. She'd posted a new picture two days ago. It was of her hand, fingers intertwined with someone else. The caption read, "To have and to hold! I'm so happy!!"

Deacan was stunned. His stomach lurched and he had to keep himself from vomiting. They had just been together and now she was declaring her happiness to the world with another guy. How long had she been seeing this guy? How long had she been fooling him?

He thought back to the day he was going to propose. It clearly didn't end the way he expected. Deacan had laid out a pale green dress for her and left a note for her to be ready at 6 PM. He stood outside next to the limousine and his breath caught when she came outside. She'd always been beautiful to him, but that night, she was truly breathtaking. Watching her move toward him caused his díck to twitch to the rhythmic sound of her heels. She was going to be his wife.

When she reached him, he pulled her in and firmly kissed her lips. Her tongue plowed into his mouth and he moaned at the connection. His erection could be felt on her thigh. She smiled into the kiss, grinding into him. Her hand went between them and she massaged him firmly. He grew harder in her hand and knew if they didn't stop now, they wouldn't. He pulled back and she smirked. She devastated him in the best way and he'd gladly be crushed by her daily.

They got into the limo and were driven to a five star steakhouse. He'd spared no expense to impress the woman that was his everything. Dinner was great and the conversation was easy. Deacon excused himself and when he returned to the table, a violinist accompanied him and he held a bouquet of lilies.

Her eyes widened as Deacon got down on one knee. He passed her the flowers and pulled the ring box from his pocket. “Baby, I love you more and more each day. You make me happy and I want to spend the rest of my days making you feel the joy you bring me. Will you marry me?” He opened the red velvet box and showed her a platinum band encrusted with small clear diamonds.

Tears rolled down her face. She placed the flowers on the table and nodded yes. He pushed the ring on her finger and she bent to kiss him. The restaurant erupted in applause! They both stood and she clung to him, whispering that they needed to talk. She had a smile on her face, but he knew something was wrong. Deacan knew this woman when she was excited and this wasn't it. He paid the bill and led her out to the limo. Once inside, Deacan turned to her and asked, “What is it? What's wrong?”

She proceeded to stab him through his very soul. Hearing her say that she'd found someone else and was leaving him caused the world to spin. He suddenly felt strangled in his tie. He loosened the knot and reached for some water. She continued to speak, but none of the words registered. 

“Shut up! Just stop talking!” She was surprised at his tone and words. He'd never talked to her like that before. She opened her mouth to continue, but thought better of it. Deacan was furious. If this were a cartoon, steam would be billowing out of his ears.

They rode in silence until they pulled up in front of his place. She followed behind him and shifted her weight back and forth while he opened the door. He stepped over the threshold and turned to face her.  “What do you think you're doing?”

She explained that she wanted to get her things.

“Give me the ring.” Her bottom lip trembled as she raised her hand. She admired the ring for what seemed an eternity before she slowly twisted it off her finger. Every twist of that ring was a twist of the proverbial knife in his gut. She finally held the ring out to him and their eyes met. Hers shimmered like the diamonds before him and his heart felt nothing but disdain. Deacan plucked the ring from her hand and pocketed it. “Wait here.”

He slammed the door in her face and lifted a basket from the laundry room. Walking through the house, he grabbed anything that belonged to her. Anything that was left behind, he'd send to her later. He was so hurt and so pissed that he couldn't stand the sight of her and he definitely didn't want her in his house anymore. Deacan opened the door and shoved the basket at her. She was sniffling, letting her tears glide down red cheeks.

He couldn't fathom why she was crying. He was the one with the broken heart and she had the nerve to play the victim. SHE DID THIS! The sight of her tears incensed him.

"You know, you're a really good actress; freaking Oscar worthy. You're actually standing here crying. What the hell are you crying for? I wanted you to be my wife and you tell me you've been cheating on me. Everything between us was a waste. Every word you said was a lie. Did you ever love me?" Deacan yelled.

She opened her mouth to respond, but he cut her off. "Forget it. Don't answer. It'd be a lie anyway. Get the hell off my front and stay the hell out of my life. We're done Jennifer!  DONE!"

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