Chapter 41

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"ERICAAAAAAA! WHERE ARE YOU, YOU BITCH!?" Jennifer ran after Erica and headed straight for the trees. She didn't think Erica could've gotten too far without shoes or a coat in this weather. Plus, Erica was fat so she'd be out of breath quick. "COME OUT! I JUST WANNA TALK!"

Jennifer paused once she'd run a few feet into the woods. She closed her eyes to focus on any sound that might give Erica's position away. Her frustration at losing her came out in a screech that rivaled an eagle's. How could things have gone so wrong? Who knew Jonathan's dumb ass would develop some balls at this moment? She smirked as she thought about the blood pooling underneath his body.

"He should've picked me. It's his fault for choosing her. Now he'll realize his mistake," she mumbled to herself as she crept through the forest. She kept her head on a swivel, making sure she didn't miss anything. The clouds weren't on her side either. They cloaked the moon, allowing minimal light to filter through the pine trees.


Jennifer paused again and listened. The silence was engulfing. She didn't know silence could be so loud. The waiting was torture. She counted Mississippi's and when she reached 45, a sound, a human sound, came from the left of her.

"Let's go get a bitch," Jennifer whispered into the night.


Erica ran with the speed of Jackie Joyner-Kersee and Usain Bolt combined. She had to get as far away as she possibly could. The sound of the gunshot ran on a loop in her head. Who was shot? She prayed it wasn't Deacan or Jonathan.

Her throat and lungs were on fire from gulping down this freezing air. She stopped behind a big tree and practiced slowing her breathing. Standing still, the cold settled on her and she regretted the tank top she wore and the lack of shoes. Now she felt the pain in her feet from running over tree branches and hard dirt.

She winced as she danced in place on bruised and cut up feet to keep from going numb. With trembling hands, she reached into her pants pocket and pulled out her phone. When the police dispatcher answered, she was able to tell them her name and location before going silent.

Jennifer was yelling. She heard the dispatcher speaking, but she couldn't focus on what he was saying. All Erica heard was Jennifer saying she shot Deacan. A vision of him bleeding to death caused her to gag before she could stop herself. She froze. Had Jennifer heard her? Erica didn't move, didn't breath. She listened for a few seconds then took off running back toward the cabin. The only thing that mattered was getting back to Deacan. She had to save him.


Jennifer had to give it to Erica. She'd gone a good distance into the woods. The big girl had some speed. Didn't matter now though; all the speed in the world couldn't help her now. Jennifer had her in her sights and she wasn't making it out of these woods alive. When Erica turned and ran back toward the cabin, Jennifer was right behind her. She aimed and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit one of the trees, causing pieces of bark to fly at Erica. Erica stumbled, dropping her phone, but she kept running.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Jennifer yelled as she chased her. She ran at her, gun aimed, and shot at Erica again. Erica screamed and tumbled forward, falling onto the ground. A triumphant cry burst out of Jennifer as she watched Erica fall. Erica didn't move and Jennifer felt pride course through her chest. She was finally going to be rid of this bitch.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know this chapter is super short, but it's all I got in me to give. Coming back to writing after some bad writer's block mixed with some super heavy life happenings has been a feat. Working on the next chapter to get to y'all sometime this week or weekend.

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