Chapter 36

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It had been about two weeks since Deacan had Erica move in with him. Waking up with her every morning and going to sleep with her every night had been two of the best things about this new arrangement. The only thing tainting this move was the constant worry he felt for her safety.

Jonathan was out there. Out there with a gun at that. He felt eyes on him all the time and he hated the feeling. There was this constant feeling of his skin prickling. It was annoying as hell, that feeling and the need to constantly look over his shoulder. He was more observant than he used to be, yet that wasn't enough. There was nothing worse than feeling helpless to protect the one you love. He wanted Jonathan found and gone. He wanted Jennifer gone.

Deacan thought she'd go away, but something stirred her up because she'd been leaving messages on his car when he was at work or outside Erica's studio. The messages expressed her love for him, how they belonged together, or memories they shared. When yesterday's note mentioned she'd be waiting when Jonathan got Erica back, Deacan contacted Det. Bendle about the restraining order.

He'd been putting it off, which had caused an issue between him and Erica. He wasn't scared of Jennifer and she hadn't done anything dangerous, so he wanted to believe she'd eventually get tired. He and Erica argued off and on for the past week, even going to bed angry. The sad part was there was no angry sex. There had been no sex at all. He hated having this between them and he knew he was wrong for not getting the order sooner.

"Mr. James, how can I help you?" Det. Bendle asked as he shook Deacan's hand then pointed to a chair for him to sit in.

"It's about Jennifer Vito, my ex. She's basically stalking me." He explained everything that Jennifer had done. "So what's my next steps?"

Det. Bendle had been taking notes on a pad. He turned to his computer and printed out the form for a restraining order. "Let me get this from the printer." When he walked away, his partner sauntered up and stood over Deacan.

"What are you doing here?" Det. Davis asked. His eyes narrowed at Deacan, sizing him up, waiting for him to make a wrong move. Deacan refused to look at him.

"Handling something with Det. Bendle."

"Something like what, boy?" Det. Davis shot back, slapping his hand down on Deacan's shoulder on the word boy. He watched Deacan's fingers twitch, the beginnings of him making a fist, but he immediately relaxed them. Det. Davis chuckled. Deacan ignored him.

Det. Bendle walked up and looked between the two men, noticing Det. Davis' hand on Deacan's shoulder. "Everything alright here?" Deacan shrugged off Davis' hand, then looked up at him. Det. Bendle saw the fury written all over his face and hoped he wouldn't have to arrest Deacan for killing his partner. "What's going on?"

The scraping of the chair was heard as Det. Davis sat at his desk. "Just asking Deacan how we can help today." His tone betrayed the lie in his statement and Det. Bendle scoffed.

Deacan stood and reached for the papers in the detective's hand. "Thanks for your help, Det. Bendle. I need to go before you have to lock me up," he glanced at Det. Davis.

"You threatening an officer?" Det. Davis asked loudly, causing people to turn their way. Det. Bendle sighed and shook his head. He threw the papers on the desk, moving toward his partner. The onlookers waited.

"Definitely not a threat," Deacan replied. His tone ensured Det. Davis knew that he'd knock him on his ass given the chance. Deacan snatched the papers from Det. Bendle's desk and walked toward the exit. He heard the beginnings of their argument and chuckled when Det. Bendle called Det. Davis an ass.

Deacan called Clark once he got in the car.

"Deac! What up!"

"You are as loud as my uncle. Calm down!"

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