Chapter 16

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Deacan slowly opened one eye and reached for Erica, but her spot was empty. He swung his legs out of the bed and sat up. As he stretched, the scent of cinnamon hit his nose, signaling that Erica had to be in his kitchen. Walking to the bathroom, he saw the chair from last night by the door and smiled. He hadn’t thought he’d liked being restrained, but it had been a lot of fun and he was more than willing to let Erica do it again. The dominance she showed and the control she had really turned him on. 

He finished in the bathroom, threw on some shorts, and went downstairs. Erica was bent down at the oven, pulling cinnamon rolls out. She was in her own world, hips swaying to the music coming out of her phone. Deacan zeroed in on the booty meat peeking out from her shorts. He watched as she pulled out eggs and cheese from the fridge. There were already diced bell peppers, onions, and crumbled bacon on the counter. She pulled a bowl from the cabinet and began whisking the eggs for what Deacan assumed were omelets.

When the song changed, Erica began singing and popping her butt, dancing like no one was watching. She turned to grab the vegetables and sent the whisk flying toward Deacan, hitting him in the chest.

“You scared the hell out of me!” Erica yelled.

Deacan laughed, grabbing the whisk from the floor. He pulled off some paper towels to wipe the egg from his chest. “Baby,” he said as he laughed, “I’m sorry.” The whisk clattered when he threw it in the sink. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her head.

“Yeah, you laughing really seems apologetic,” she replied as she pushed him off of her. Erica went back to cooking and ignored Deacan. 

“It wasn’t like I did it on purpose. You know this gorgeous body distracts me.” He had stepped behind her, placing his chin on her shoulder. “Forgive me,” he asked as he kissed her neck, “please,” he continued then nibbled her ear.

Erica huffed and pushed her butt back into him to move him off of her. “Fine, now move so I can finish.”

“Now why would you do that if you want me to move away from you?” He pulled her back into him, grinding into her.

“Nope, nope, back away before I hit you again,” she threatened playfully. Deacan stepped away from her quickly and let her work. He grabbed plates for her and placed them on the counter. When the omelets were done and plated, he carried them to the table. Erica grabbed water and forks for them, then followed him.

They ate in silence until Erica noticed the blueprint paper. He turned to where she was looking and grinned. Her eyes were wide with excitement.

“Are those mine?” she asked, nodding toward the blueprints.

“Yep,” Deacan replied with a huge grin. Erica moved to get the plans. “Babe, finish your food first.” She sat back down with a huff, pouting like a big baby, and stabbed at her omelet. Deacan just laughed and shook his head.

Now she was rushing to finish her food. All he could hear was loud clanking as the fork scraped the plate. "Baby, slow down. The plans aren't going anywhere," Deacon stated.

"Mm hmm, or you should eat faster because I'm excited!" Erica took her plate into the kitchen then plopped down in her chair and stared at Deacan. He cut into his omelet, slowly raising the fork to his mouth. His chewing was aggravatingly slow as he stared into Erica’s eyes. She huffed and rolled her eyes. Next, she slammed her arms down on the table and laid her head down on them. Deacan heard her continually huffing and sighing.

“Baby, you have to be the most dramatic person I’ve ever met!” Deacan said while laughing. She watched his feet walk past her to the kitchen and a big smile spread across her face. He rinsed off the dishes and placed everything in the dishwasher. The silence after the water was turned off stretched for what seemed like hours. 

When Erica finally looked up, Deacan was standing on the stairs, grinning at her, blueprints in hand. "Come on, let's go build your dream."

They showered together, washing each other and sharing kisses. It felt good being with each other, laughing together at corny jokes. Once dressed, they went into Deacan's office and worked on the plans for a few hours. Erica loved what she saw, but made a few adjustments. She was so excited that they worked half the day to finish the design.

It was a turn on seeing Deacan in his element. When he was deep in thought or drawing, he either threaded one of his lips through his teeth or sucked his tongue with the tip of it peeking out of his mouth. He explained why he made the choices he had, what could and couldn't be changed, and tried to find compromises when he could. Erica liked being in his world, seeing his passion for his work. She could tell he loved it by how he talked.  

"So, everything's good?" he asked. She circled the prints once more, checking all the details. Erica wanted construction to start as soon as possible so finishing the design brought them one step closer. 

"Mm hmm. Everything's perfect! When will we start?" she asked, bouncing on the balls of her feet. 

"I'll get the plans to Cady tomorrow. There's a few companies we regularly work with so she'll contact them and we can start in a few weeks," Deacan replied. 

Erica wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you for this. I can't believe it's finally happening." 

Deacan squeezed her tight in return and they just held each other for a few seconds longer. He pulled away and looked down at her. Her eyes were glossy, happy tears threatening to fall. His chest filled with warmth at the fact that he was helping her make her dream come true. It was always a good feeling when he designed something and the client loved it, but this was much more special. This was something for his girl and seeing her so happy made him feel like a hero. He kissed both her cheeks and squeezed her one more time. 

"You're welcome, babe. Anything I can do to help. Now, how about movies and tacos?"

"I might just have to keep you, Mister."


Author's Note: Hey party people! I know I've been away (again) but I'm back back. I just haven't been able to get the words out for this and my other WIP, however, I'm feeling in the groove now. I just had to get my sh*t together! 😆😆 Thanks for sticking with me.

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