Chapter 42

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Jennifer stepped out of the woods and stopped at Erica's body. She was ready to shoot her in the back and be done with this whole thing. Once again, Erica had ruined everything for her. All she wanted to do was kill her and Jonathan then leave the country with Deacan. But no! Jonathan betrayed her because of whatever stupid hold Erica had on him, and everything was screwed.

She shot Erica on her right side and heard the muffled scream. "Oh, good. Now I can shoot you in the face!" Jennifer roughly turned Erica, who was writhing on the ground. Before she could press the gun to Erica's temple, Jennifer felt the punch to her face. Momentarily stunned, she couldn't react and Erica punched her again, knocking her to the ground.

Her gun flew out of her hand as she went down. She tried to get to her feet, but Erica grabbed her around her ankle and pulled. Jennifer fell back to the ground with a thud, hitting her face on the hard dirt.

Erica let out a sound so guttural you'd have thought she was a wild animal. This dumb broad had shot her...TWICE! This pain was like no other. Hurt like a mutha...

She turned at the sound of Jennifer's moaning and saw blood on her face. Must've hit her nose when she fell. Erica got to her knees and made her way to Jennifer. Groans and hisses of pain fell out of her, but she was determined to take Jennifer out to get to Deacan.

Erica climbed on top of that evil woman and punched her repeatedly. Every blow punctuated with the fury she felt for all Jennifer had put her through.

"YOU SHOT DEACAN!" Erica screamed as she rained down hit after hit. Jennifer was screaming, swinging wildly, bucking her hips trying to throw Erica off of her, to no avail. There was a popping sound from the direction of the cabin. Erica turned toward the sound and Jennifer hit her in the face. Then she hit her in the wound on her side and Erica fell off of her. The scream that came out of her brought Jennifer some satisfaction.

Jennifer's face and body was on fire. Her chest ached with every gasp of air she took. Erica had beat the mess out of her. She might've broken a rib or two. Jennifer didn't want to move, but she knew she had to. Sirens could be heard in the distance and she didn't need to be there when the police arrived. Trying to get on her feet to make a run for it, she stumbled and fell each time. It was like her brain couldn't tell her legs to hold her up. Her vision was swimming and she had to pause what she was doing to try to focus.

The sound of Erica moving at her side caused her to snap her head in that direction. Jennifer recognized the sound of the slide chambering the bullet. All she could do was scream.


The sirens sounded closer now and Erica prayed they made it in time to help. There was another gunshot and she didn't know what to think. She was exhausted and everything hurt. The cold called to her, numbed her, and she wanted to sleep. A blanket of peace settled on her. They would make it. The police would make it and save them.

As she sunk into the cold, she heard yelling. Folks yelling that they were the police. She was right. They had made it. She felt someone grab her hand. Everything felt heavy, especially her eyes as they drooped to a close.

"Stay with me."

That was the last thing she heard before she gave in to the cold.


Erica felt someone squeezing her hand. She smelled vanilla and knew her mother was in the room. Tears slid down her face as her mind processed where she was and what had happened to her.

"She's waking up," a raspy voice announced.

Her eyes flew open and she stared at Mitchell. His eyes were watery, but the tears didn't fall. If he's here, where's Deacan? She looked around the room and didn't see him. A sob burst out of her because if he wasn't here, he had to be dead.

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