Chapter 22

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It was the week before Thanksgiving and Erica sat on her couch picking at invisible lint, her left foot wagging up and down.

"Girl, calm ya nerves! You're shaking the whole couch. What's up?"

Erica looked up at Maya as she got comfortable on the couch. "Deacan is meeting the parents and I'm meeting his uncle."

Maya's smile took up her whole face and she playfully poked her friend. "Well, well, now this is a big deal. When?"


"That's a lot of pressure. Could be a disaster. What if they don't like him? What if the uncle doesn't like you? What if one of you does something embarrassing, like spill food on somebody? Ohhh, what if you get caught having sex?! Y'all know y'all be all over each other."

Erica yelled for her friend to stop. She was supposed to be calming her down, not making things worse. Now all sorts of scenarios were running through her mind of everything that could go wrong on this trip. As she envisioned her dad walking in on her with Deacan's head between her legs, she heard Maya laughing. "What the hell is so funny?"

"Girl, your face! I was joking. Nothing is going to go wrong; everything will be fine. Even if something did happen, you two will figure it out. His uncle will definitely love you because what's not to love. Mama Benz will think Deacan is a sweetheart and Daddy Benz will like him too."

"I really hate you sometimes, Maya," though the smile and chuckle that came with that statement proved the opposite.

Maya pat Erica's leg and grinned, "I know you do, but you still keep me around," she finished with a shrug of her shoulders. "You're not meeting his mom?"

Erica sighed then told Maya about Deacan's mom. She'd gone into a depression when his father died and never dealt with it properly. She took care of Deacan as best she could, but wasn't quite the same. One night, after putting Deacan to bed and telling him she'd make him a big breakfast and take him to school in the morning, she'd mixed some alcohol and pills and overdosed. It was ruled an accident.

"So, his uncle raised him after that."

Maya shook her head and sniffled, "Man, I really feel for him. Growing up without his mother. That could've been me if it hadn't been for my aunt. Who knows what my life would be?"

They sat in silence, Erica reaching out and grabbing Maya's hand and squeezing. She passed her a tissue and Maya gladly accepted.

"So, when are you leaving?"

"We leave on Saturday and come back next Sunday night."

"Okay, well that means I'm here until you leave. Gotta get my bestie time in before you leave me alone with Clark!"

Erica laughed as Maya threw herself back on the couch dramatically. "You know my parents love y'all and you two could come."

"Nope! We'll let this be family time, but Christmas, I'm there!"

"Hey! It would be family time with you two there!" Erica crossed her arms with a huff in semi-fake annoyance.

"You know what I mean, lame-o!" Maya tapped Erica on the nose then took off to the kitchen. "Alright," she yelled out, "what are you cooking me tonight?"

"You alright, babe," Deacan asked as Erica fastened her seatbelt on the plane. He'd noticed that she had brought her right hand to her mouth several times just to put it down as quickly as she lifted it. She was trying not to bite her nails.

"I'm great. Are you alright?" she countered. She was tapping her fingers on the armrest between them. Deacan chuckled, looked down at her hand, then back up at her. The tapping immediately stopped. "That doesn't prove anything."

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