Chapter 18

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"Can you hear? What did he say?" Maya whispered.

"Shhhh! He told her what the flowers meant. This dude makes me look bad. Need to step my game up!" Clark whispered back.

"Don't shush me, you shush! You're the one doing all the talkin'!"

Clark flicked Maya's ear and poked his head around the wall to try to hear better. Maya scoffed and lightly slapped the back of his head.

"Don't thump me!" she whispered loudly. Clark turned to her, eyes wide with shock.

"Don't slap me," he retorted and thumped her nose this time. This led to them play fighting and pushing each other. Clark decided to be dramatic and flung himself into the wall, making too much noise.

"So stupid," Maya said in a hushed tone, "do you think they heard us?"

They turned to look down the stairs and saw Deacan and Erica staring up at them. Clark ducked behind Maya, pointing at her and mouthed that it was her fault. Maya shook her head, then smiled at her friend.

"Everything good? Like the flowers?" she asked.

"You two just can't be left alone," Erica replied while laughing. She turned and walked to sit on the blankets. Deacan followed her and pulled her feet into his lap, massaging them. Erica felt more of the stress of the day leave her as she closed her eyes and moaned. Maya and Clark came stomping down the stairs sounding like a herd of elephants. Lord they were crazy, but Erica wouldn’t trade them for anything. She opened her eyes and both of them were grinning. “Why are you two looking like the cat that ate the canary?”

“Uh...well...what was your answer?” Clark asked as he rocked back and forth on his feet. Maya stood there nodding her head furiously, encouraging us to answer.

Deacan chuckled, “You mean you didn’t hear? Y’all were right at the top of the stairs.”

“Well, Maya distracted me so we missed the really good part. By the way, smooth move with the flowers.” Erica and Deacan both glared at him and Clark just shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t care about your “death” look. Now, sis, what was your answer?”

“Maya, get your cousin,” Erica said as she stopped Deacan from rubbing her feet and pulled him to sit next to her.

“Naw, he’s yours as much as he is mine. Plus, I’m with him on this. Your answer, now!” Maya said, shouting the last sentence.

Erica sighed with exaggerated frustration. She stuck her tongue out at both of them and replied, “None of your business. Now let’s watch a movie.”

Deacan tapped her thigh and she turned to him. “Babe, it might not be their business, but it is mine. You never really answered. Fumbles over there started tearing down the upstairs.”

“Oh,” Erica said softly. She laced their fingers and looked at him and began, “The only answer to that question is yes. Now that you’re here, I don’t want to be without you. I’m yours and you’re mine.”

Deacan pulled her on top of him and kissed her as if no one else was in the room. His hands slid down to her butt and he gripped her as if he were holding on for life. Both Maya and Clark cleared their throats and clapped their hands at the couple.

“We’re happy for y’all and all that, but we don’t need to see all this. Take that home,” Maya exclaimed.

“Fine with me!” Deacan moved to get up, tipping Erica over. He caught her before she fell off him. All of them laughed and Erica got off his lap on her own.

“Baby, it’s tacos and girl time with Maya tonight. You’ll have to wait,” Erica said. He stuck out his bottom lip and made sniffling sounds as if he were crying.

“Well, can we at least get some tacos to go,” Clark asked. Erica picked up a pillow and threw it at him. “What? I’m hungry.”

Maya grabbed his hand and pulled him into the kitchen. Cabinet doors were slammed as they found storage containers to pack Clark’s to go meal. Deacan stood up and reached down to help Erica up.

“Kicking me out? I’m heartbroken!” Deacan wrapped his arms around her, placing kisses on her neck. Erica shivered, feeling herself falling under the spell he cast every time he touched her. She placed her hands under his shirt, caressing his back. "Girl if you don't stop, Maya and Clark are about to get a real show!"

"You started it, putting your lips on me," Erica exclaimed. She pulled back and kissed him hard. He squeezed her butt cheeks and pressed her into him as much as he could. They couldn't get enough of each other and now, being exclusive, the craving for each other only heightened.

"Please stop fondling my sister in front of me!" Clark yelled as he walked back in the room. Maya stood next to him, humping and smacking the air. "Don't encourage them!"

Clark grabbed Deacan's shoulder and began pulling him to the front door. Maya wrapped her arms around Erica's waist and held her back. Erica and Deacan pretended to fight against them, dramatic as ever.

"Have a good night, baby," Deacan yelled as Clark pulled him out the door.

The women fell on the couch laughing. Maya grabbed the remote and turned on a comedy. They moved down to the floor and got comfortable, laughing late into the night.

A/N: Yes, this is a short chapter. You'll get more, my lovelies. Maybe this weekend. *insert evil laugh*

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