Chapter 27

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RLG and bring Clark. I'm at Deacan's.

What's going on?

Two important things. Tell you when you get here.

Erica texted her best friend Deacan's address and walked out into his backyard. It was an unusually warm day for December (welcome to the Midwest) so Deacan had decided to barbecue.

"Maya and Clark are on the way," she said as she took a seat in one of the patio chairs. She watched Deacan as he placed the different barbecue utensils on the table. He took this seriously, like has a special apron seriously. "You need any help?"

Deacan didn't even turn to her when he answered, "Naw baby, I got this all under control." He admired the tongs, spatula, wire brush, baster, sauce mop, and mustard water mixture spread out on the table.

"Should I give y'all some privacy?" Erica teased him.

"Why you say that?" He looked around, genuinely confused.

"Uh, 'cause you seemed real involved with your tools and I thought I might be intruding," she replied with a laugh.

He walked over to her and bent down to whisper in her ear, "You could be involved with my tool if you want." Erica chuckled and shook her head.

"I can't believe you just said that! You are the king of cheese, baby," she said before placing a light kiss on his lips, "but I'll keep you."

"Alright, alright, enough, enough! Get out of my sis's face!" Clark's voice boomed as he walked into the backyard. Maya was behind him and slapped the back of his head as she walked past. "Dang! What the hell was that for?"

"For being stupid and being a hater," Maya replied. Erica stood up and hugged both of them. Deacan did the same then turned back to the barbecue pit. He placed charcoal in the pit and started the fire. Maya and Clark each took a seat across from Erica. "Okay, girl. You sent out the signal, so why are we here?"

Erica sat forward in her chair and said, "So, I've been keeping a secret." She paused for dramatic effect and stared at her two friends.

"You pregnant?" Maya yelled. Deacan almost dropped the tray of meat he was holding. His head whipped around so fast Erica thought he might have pulled a muscle. He knew the news she needed to tell them so she wasn't sure why he reacted this way. Clark laughed loudly, slapping his thigh.

"You good over there, Deac?"

"Leave him alone, Clark!" Erica said, though she was laughing as well. "No, girl, I'm not pregnant. I am finally opening my studio though."

Maya and Clark both jumped up, yelling their congratulations while pulling her into a hug. They were so dramatic that she felt like she was the rope in a game of Tug 'o War as they pulled her back and forth between them. When they finally stopped tossing her around, she told them all about the studio and how Deacan had helped with the design and his firm was building it.

"That's the project that's been taking my man time?" Clark asked. Everyone looked at him, wondering if he heard how what he just said sounded. Deacan scrunched his face and threw a balled up napkin at him. "What? I said 'man time' not my man's time! No offense Deac, but you ain't my type."

"Trust me, I don't want you either!" Deacan retorted.

"You don't have to be so mean about it," Clark said, poking out his lip. He looked like his feelings were genuinely hurt, though they knew he was fine.

Erica and Maya fell over laughing. "Clark, quit clowning and let Erica finish. We'll find you another boyfriend," Maya teased him. He thumped her, she thumped him back, and next thing you know, they were playfully slapping at each other.

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