Flower Box

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A/N - A website gave me a prompt about a character's setting changing with them, so here's that.

It was July and his flowers stood proudly outside his window, neatly lined up and stood at attention in their box that overlooked a carrot farm. They were well-tended to by their owner and were flourishing in the sunlight. The bees visited them all the time, they were happy, and new beginnings were blooming, a contrast to the small seeds they had once been. 

It was late August and his flowers were valiantly trooping on but were growing more wilted by the day in the hot summer heat. Tommy's flowers soldiered on for him as he did for his country,  working to create a nation free of Dream's reign, but they could only hold on for so long. Nevertheless, they didn't lose their bright color even when their petals drooped so low they brushed the soil beneath them.

It was September and the flowers missed their caretaker. The sun still shone and the bees still came to pollinate, but it wasn't the same without bright blue eyes that were like the sky and blond hair like the sun. The crisp wind betrayed winter's quiet footsteps, and the flowers could tell that bad things were coming, cold was coming, even as they still felt the heat on their petals.

It was November and the flowers were long gone, save for a single poppy that stood out against its fallen comrades. Tommy enjoyed looking at that poppy, as it reminded him of hope. He nurtured it and cared for it, trying to keep it alive long enough to leave something behind for his country if he wasn't able to.

It was December and the flowers were all gone for now, their roots burrowed warm beneath the dirt in wait of their owner. Said owner was nowhere to be found, but they heard whispers of a sad boy across the sea. The boy across the sea had flowers, but those flowers weren't as happy. They were often lonely, and the boy could only do so much for them. He tried, but it wasn't enough. The flowers withered with the snow, roots going dry and leaving no trace they had ever grown there in the first place.  

It was January, and from their quiet sleep, the dormant flowers could feel a change in the atmosphere. Something had returned and brought with it a certain joy. A presence was back, and it was growing brighter by the day. Its light chased out a darkness that had taken so much from everyone for so long and a sense of hope and freedom had been restored in the weathered land. For now, things were okay. 

(A/N, skip if you're not interested) 

This would have worked better if I knew more about flowers but whatever. It's Minecraft and I can do whatever I want. This was out of style for me, as I'm so bad at writing anything abstract or remotely poetry-like, but the only way to get better is practice, right? Even if it was kinda crappy I hope you enjoyed.

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