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A/N - simp2828, here's your sickfic! Hope you enjoy :) I wasn't able to make dadschlatt for this one since I couldn't figure out how to make it make sense, so I'm sorry for that. But Mumbur is back!

Please know that this takes place in a non-Covid world.

TW: Sickness, swearing

"Wow, you sound like shit," Wilbur said while he and Tommy were in a call after streaming. "Thanks a lot, big man," Tommy scoffed, but quickly descended into a coughing fit, which sounded very violent over the mic and made Wilbur worried. "You alright there?" 

"Yeah, just hurts," Tommy rasped. "Have you got any soup?" Wilbur asked, trying to think of everything that had helped him when he would get sick as a kid.

"No. Well, we have tomato soup but I hate that stuff." 

"Alright, how about tea?"

"No, my parents only drink coffee," Tommy said. His voice was scratchy and Wilbur didn't want to make him talk too much, but he wanted to make sure his friend had something to soothe his throat. "You should ask a parent to get you some soup or tea. Maybe crackers too, and medicine if you don't have it."

"Yeah, I'll get right on that." The snark in Tommy's tone was clear, and Wilbur wondered why he was being so sarcastic. "Explain?" He asked, not unkindly.

"My parents are gone for two weeks on a trip, so I don't have any way of getting stuff. I'll ride it out though, it's not my first cold."

Wilbur didn't say anything, just shook his head. "Well, you should get some sleep. And drink lots of water, alright? And promise to call me if it gets worse. And call me tomorrow to let me know how you feel."

"Jesus Christ mate, chill out," Tommy chuckled hoarsely. "But I will make sure to do those things. Thank you," He concluded softly. "Sure thing." With that, they hung up and went to bed.

That night, Wilbur had a hard time getting to sleep, worried about how awful Tommy sounded and whether he would really be okay all alone.

The next day, he waited anxiously for a call from his blond friend, answering instantly when he saw the icon pop up on his screen.

"How you feelin'?" He asked immediately. "Like shit," Tommy rasped, and oh God, he sounded horrible. If yesterday was bad, today must be ten times worse. His voice sounded hoarse and congested and he had trouble just speaking. Tommy started hacking uncontrollably and Wilbur winced at the thought of how painful it must feel. "That's it, I'm coming over. You rest up, drink water, eat something gentle." 

Tommy didn't have the energy to respond, just grunted, and Wilbur hung up the phone. 

He hurried to the market and picked up everything he thought Tommy might need - he got some Sudafed, Motrin, chicken noodle soup, and some tea he knew Tommy would like. He also added crackers and went back for some ginger ale. With his haul, he made his way to Tommy's house. The drive took about an hour and a half, which was faster than usual, and he was lucky that the traffic was so good. His timing also might have had something to do with his speeding.

He knocked on the door and heard a stumble, watching the door creak open to reveal his pale, bleary-eyed friend. The boy briefly welcomed Wilbur in before plopping back down on the couch, obviously not having very much energy. Wilbur didn't mind and just followed him into the living room. He popped a squat in an armchair and watched as Tommy pulled a blanket on top of himself, and observed the setup. The TV was quietly playing Up, and there was a pile of tissues on the coffee table next to a big box of clean ones. There was a half-full water glass, and finally, some applesauce containers. Wilbur was glad Tommy had fed himself and stayed hydrated, but was still worried and immediately got to work trying to help the boy.

"Would you like some soup?" Wilbur asked quietly, and Tommy just nodded slowly. Wilbur's brow furrowed at the boy's state, looking so small and frail under the knitted blanket. 

He heated up some soup on the stove, ladling it into a mug and bringing it over to Tommy who had pushed himself into a sitting position.

He took the mug gratefully and slowly sipped on the broth, relishing the soothing feeling of the heat on his throat. "Thank you, you have no idea how great this feels right now," Tommy whispered. 

"I brought medicine, I think it would really help if you took some," said Wilbur, pulling out the pills and handing them to Tommy, who downed them without hesitation, using the last of his broth. 

Over the next hour, some of his energy returned as the medicine kicked in and he drank some tea. He repeatedly thanked Wilbur for caring for him, who just waved him off every time, saying he was glad to help him feel better.  

Tommy started speaking quieter and winced from time to time, which Wilbur quickly picked up on. "What's wrong?"

"My headache's back and my ears really hurt," Tommy groaned, gripping his head. "Do you have a thermometer?" Wilbur asked, and Tommy told him where it was.

He grabbed it from the bathroom cupboard it was in, and took Tommy's temperature. He had a slight fever, so Wilbur told him to lay down and try to take a nap. 

The blond couldn't get to sleep; he kept saying he was cold even after being layered with a sweatshirt and two blankets, so Wilbur finally pulled the blankets up and tried to get underneath them next to Tommy to warm him up. "No, you'll get sick!" Tommy held his hand out to stop him. "Nonsense. I never get sick," Wilbur joked, but he saw the hesitation still on Tommy's face. "Seriously, my immune system is unusually robust. I haven't been sick in a long time, and you really need to get warm."

He proceeded to wrap Tommy up in his arms and guessed the kid finally got comfortable because his breathing settled and his eyes drifted shut. Wilbur just ran his hand over the boy's burning forehead, making sure the blankets were properly tucked around them.

He turned the TV off and just hugged Tommy closer, eventually joining him in sleep. 

When they woke up it was dinner time, so Wilbur prepared them a small, gentle meal, which he was glad to see Tommy finish. Afterward, they decided to have a Miyazaki movie marathon, starting with Totoro. They got through two other movies until Tommy fell asleep halfway through Nausicaä, and Wilbur just carried him upstairs and tucked him into bed. No one would be there to witness the motherly kiss Wilbur placed on the boy's forehead, not caring that he might get sick. 

Luckily, Wilbur was fine, and within two days, so was Tommy. His health rebounded and he was up and walking again with barely any sniffling or coughing. Wilbur insisted he stay another day to make sure he was alright and ended up getting a hotel room and staying in Tommy's town for another week so the boy wouldn't have to be alone until his parents came home.

(A/N, skip if you're not interested)

This was actually pretty easy for me to write since I've been sick the past few days. On the bright side, my Covid test came back negative and I discovered that my Carl impression from Jimmy Neutron is really good when I'm sick. 

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