Some Vignettes

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These are too short to post individually so here's the list of vignettes in this chapter.

1. The Burden of a Youngest

TW: references to unhealthy family dynamic

2. Monsters Aren't Always Bad

TW: none :) 

3. The Hotel

TW: swearing



Technoblade was the firstborn.

He had pink hair and searching, cold blue eyes. As a baby, he rarely cried and instead spent his energy trying to escape the confines of his crib.

His little hands latched onto anything they could find, striving to explore and learn.

As his mind grew, so did his knowledge.

As his knowledge grew, so did his fighting skills.

And as his fighting skills grew, his ability to express emotion, socialize, and sympathize, lessened.

By the time Wilbur came along, Techno's arms hadn't seen the light of day in nearly a year. They were always covered in sleeves to keep others' skin away from his.

Wilbur was the opposite of Techno. He screeched at all hours of day and night for his father, giggling and smiling widely whenever he was given attention.

The two brothers demanded so much from their father in so different ways that by the time Tommy came along, there was simply nothing left to give.

Instead of being comforted when he cried, being gently placed back in his crib whenever he tried to escape, they let him cry and let him roam. It caused him to have a firm grasp of his independence and an even firmer grasp of his emotions.

His sobs as an infant were always unapologetic and loud, adjectives that followed him into his early years of childhood, when he was always tagging along after his older brothers, but at a distance.

Tommy felt like he'd always known not to touch Techno or speak out of turn when Wilbur was in a bad mood lest he be on the receiving end of either's temper. That's just the way it had always been.

Each time Techno came home from school with a note from his teacher about a fight and each time Wilbur slammed his door and refused to come down for dinner whenever Phil brought up his consistently low grades, Tommy learned not to do those things. His dad was already stressed enough with two kids like Techno and Wilbur; the least he could do for his father was stay out of the way.

So that's what he did. He made sure not to make enemies of his classmates so he wouldn't get in fights, and he made sure to stay on the good side of his assignments and his teachers so his grades hovered at As. And it worked. Phil never had to worry about him. That's what he wanted, wasn't it?



Time and the things confined in it move differently when one is eternal. Everything moves so fast, yet when one moves, even a flick of a finger, everything else slows down to balance it out.

Most of the time, Wilbur didn't move. He stayed stationed behind the claw machine because his dark figure blended into the shadows and his yellow eyes fit in with the flashing lights of the machine.

He was rarely spotted, and when he was, the children didn't know they'd spotted him.

He also enjoyed this spot because he could see out the clear case of the machine and watch the children run around. The game was a popular one, so he got to see their red-cheeked faces light up when they caught a toy. 

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