The Color Red (Decisions pt. 2)

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There's another plot hole in this one with Big Innit Hotel, please ignore :)

Thanks so much to jayden_forest for commenting the idea for this one, I literally started writing it as soon as I saw your comment. This is also for Im_your_dad_now, hope you both enjoy.

TW: Talk of death and torture, gore, swearing


For a long time, a single second, there was nothing but grey. The flowers never moved, never grew nor wilted, and neither did Tommy. He sat there, head bowed, waiting.

Mexican Dream and Schlatt didn't attempt to make conversation with him; they, too, were coping with their never-ending existence in this void, each in their own ways. Schlatt used his seemingly infinite stash of alcohol as his crutch, and Mexican Dream... well, neither of them knew what he did on his walks around the void, but it must have been something to keep him from going insane – or at least, further down that path than he already was.

Tommy didn't know how long he'd been stuck in this place but he knew that it wouldn't matter. If he spent forever here, then time no longer existed and he didn't have to worry about the days or weeks or months he spent with his head bowed down; all he had to worry about was waiting.

So it could have been anywhere from hours to years after he arrived when what he had been waiting for came. It began with a tremor, only enough to shake the leaves and petals on the flowers a little. It was only slight, but Tommy noticed. Then, he felt the vibrations himself, and they steadily increased until it felt like an earthquake –

And suddenly, the ground cracked open from underneath him.


"Sam, I'm getting into that cell with or without your help," Wilbur growled, sword aimed at the guard's neck. Sam, to his credit, didn't move and didn't reveal his emotions, just stood and stared stoically.

"Wilbur, you know I can't let you do that. He is a prisoner, but he has rights as a member of this server, and it is his right not to be beaten up in his own prison cell."

"He won't get beaten if he cooperates," Wilbur muttered, and Sam aimed a disappointed glare at him. "Somehow I doubt that."

"How well did you know Tommy?" The trenchcoat-clad man asked suddenly, completely changing the topic of conversation.

"Well, Sam Nook helped him build his hotel, and I talked to him a few times. He was a funny kid, seemed like he had a sweet side to him."

"Did he deserve to die?"

Sam stared.

"No, and certainly not the way he did."

"So you know, then? How he died?"


"You know how my father stabbed him through the stomach and left his body hanging on the blade, and then took off before my little brother even stopped breathing? You know how that sword was meant to stab me?"

Sam slowly nodded.

"And you know why he was trying to stab me? You know what that button would do? You know who gave me that TNT?"

Another nod.

"Let me in."

Sam let him in.


"Dream, I'll make this easy for you."

The masked man said nothing, his perpetual smile boring into Wilbur's eyes. "You revive Tommy, and I won't kill you slowly and agonizingly."

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