New People

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A/N - Thank you to ItzSkylight for the request!

TW: Past abuse, PTSD, nightmares

"Boys, I need to tell you something," Phil said a bit nervously to his two older sons sat on the couch. "I'm going away on a business trip for a few days, and I brought someone to watch you guys and Tommy." He gestured to something out of view, and a woman slowly walked into the room, giving the boys a friendly, if hesitant, wave. The two immediately closed themselves off in their own ways, Wilbur curling in on himself and hiding behind Techno, who schooled his face into a glare and squared his shoulders as if ready for a fight. "Now now, calm down kids. This is Kristen, and she's a wonderful lady." His words did nothing to soothe either child, and they both just looked more spooked. 

"We're thirteen now, why can't we just watch Tommy ourselves?" Techno grunted, unwilling to meet Phil's eyes and keeping them on Kristen, who began shifting uncomfortably.  "Well, I've known her for a few months now, and I thought this was the perfect chance for you to get to know her because she's going to be around a lot more now." Phil and Kristen shared a loving look, and Kristen fidgeted with the ring on her finger. Then, Techno cleared his throat and they were shaken from their stupor. He looked like he was about to say something again, but was paused by Wilbur who whispered something in his ear. Techno's glare deepened before he cleared his face. "Okay," He said through gritted teeth. "Okay?" Phil said with a smile. "That's great!"


"I'll see you later, love," Phil said, and Wilbur and Techno watched through the banister rungs as they shared a kiss, and Phil went out the door. The whole ordeal made both children upset.

"What's the plan?" Wil asked, turning to his brother who was usually the leader of serious things like this. "We're going on the defensive. I don't want to make Phil upset, so we'll wait for her to slip up and then go from there. But our utmost priority is Tommy, you know how he gets around strangers. I don't want them in the same room until Phil is back here." Wil grimaced and nodded, his little brother's screams echoing in his ears even after all these years.

With that, they went to Tommy's room, who had been told by Phil that someone nice was here to babysit them for a few days, but nothing more. 

His older brothers found him hiding in his closet, which he had set up to look like the one at their old house. It irked them how well Tommy had replicated the placement and sizing of boxes and other items, but they would never tell Tommy to move it down or get out, even if it was a little creepy. He had grown up with this as his only safe space, and he still didn't entirely trust Phil not to invade his room.

All three children had been through hell with their shared biological family, and Tommy had the hardest time getting over the trauma because of his age. Techno and Wil had bad PTSD from being in that environment for so long and now also had an obsession to constantly make sure their little brother was okay. 

"Toms? Wanna come out now?" They murmured through the crack in the door. A small finger lightly tapped on the wood once, twice. Two taps meant they could open it up for him, so they creaked it open until the sliver of light fell on Tommy's pale face. "Who's here?" He whispered, a bit frightened. "Phil's friend Kristen," Techno said with only slight animosity. "She's supposed to watch us while he's gone." Despite feeling upset, Techno made sure to keep the emotion out of his voice as much as he could. He knew that his level-headedness and neutral reactions assured Tommy that everything was alright. 

"Phil's gone?!" Tommy said a bit louder, tears coming to his eyes. "Yeah, but it's only for a few days. He'll be back before you know it we'll be there the entire time," Wilbur consoled. "M'kay," Tommy finally sniffled and crawled out onto the carpet. Just then, there was a gentle knock on the door. "Boys, may I come in?" A kind voice asked from the other side. 

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