Safe Haven

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A/N - Don't read if you don't want spoilers about Tommy's visit to Las Nevadas. Also, I request that you graciously ignore any conversations between Quackity and Ranboo since the lore of Las Nevadas started.

Thank you very much to New_Pronouns_who_dis and lillies12469 for beta reading!

TW: Manipulation, minor shouting, swearing

"Tubbo, are you sure this is a good idea?" Ranboo asked from the doorway of the Snowchester house. Tubbo, who was already a few meters away, groaned dramatically. "Just come on, Ranboo! We don't even have to go in or anything, I just want to look. I've heard it's magnificent, nicer than anything on the SMP." He poured as much conviction as he could into his voice. Reluctantly, Ranboo stepped into the snow, earning a small cheer from his husband. "Alright, but we're not going inside. Just looking. I don't want any... unsavory confrontations."

"Oh, don't be silly!" Tubbo exclaimed, grabbing Ranboo's hand with his own gloved one. "It's just Quackity, we're good friends. I want to see what this "Las Nevadas" is all about!"


"Do you hear shouting?" Ranboo asked over the muted sounds of the forest. He looked around, and Tubbo did the same a moment later. "I do. That's weird; I wonder if it's Quackity."

"Let's not get too close-" Ranboo began, but Tubbo was already off, following the direction of the shouting. Ranboo sighed; so much for no confrontations. He begrudgingly followed the ram hybrid towards the screaming match.

"He's been my second since the very beginning! For God's sake, he's my brother!" Wilbur bellowed from his perch on a cobblestone block in the middle of a pond. Meanwhile, Quackity glared back from a patch of sand, the two only separated by a strip of water. "We all know what you did to him in Pogtopia! I was there in that cave. Why would he want to follow someone who blows up his own country?!" Quackity shrieked in response.

Ranboo watched the two fight like a divorced couple from over a hill some distance away. As he took in his surroundings, he noticed a figure on the opposite side of the lake. They looked small and nervous, arms hugging themselves across the person's chest. He slowly recognized the figure as Tommy with the aid of those signature red sleeves.

"Dude, this is so messed up," Tubbo whispered from his position to Ranboo's right. All he could do was nod in agreement, watching as Quackity and Wilbur fought over who would have Tommy on their side. Scratch that, they were fighting over who would have control of Tommy, and it made Ranboo's blood boil.

"Tubbo, I really think we should go talk to Tommy. Let's invite him over to stay for a few days, it's clear he has no say in whatever the hell is going on here."

"What happened to no unsavory confrontations?" Tubbo said from beside him, shrinking in on himself a little. "I don't like the look of this. Plus, Tommy is probably basking in the attention."

"Tubbo!" Ranboo chastised. "I can't believe you. Tommy needs friends, not leaders scrambling for someone to mold and manipulate. We don't even have to talk to Wilbur or Quackity, we just circle around the pond and get to Tommy."

Tubbo agreed, still looking slightly guilty. They made their way around the pond as discreetly as they could, and luckily, neither leader noticed the two over their arguing.

They came to a stop a few feet away from Tommy and waved at him until they caught his attention. When he noticed them, a smile broke across his face and he practically ran over. "Hello, boys!" He greeted loudly, and Tubbo had to shush him. "Hey, Tommy! We-" Ranboo paused, too distracted by Tommy's face. His expression and the youthful naivety in his eyes reminded him exactly of Michael, leaving him slightly confused. Luckily, he gained control of his thoughts and continued, although he started talking like he spoke to his son, without even meaning to. "Tommy, how do you feel about coming over to Snowchester for a while?"

Tommy's eyes lit up and Ranboo cracked a small smile; he just looked so much like Michael at that moment. Although a second later, the smile faded slightly. "I would love to, but I've got a headquarters to build!" He exclaimed, gesturing to a strange structure sitting behind Wilbur. "Wil's letting me build it all out of cobblestone, and I get my very own office!"

A glance at Tubbo showed he was equally confused by Tommy's behavior. Since when had he started acting like he was three years younger than he was?

"Oh, that's great!" Tubbo said hesitantly, trying to convey excitement for Tommy's sake. Tommy grinned again, but something caught his eye over Ranboo's shoulder and his eyebrows quirked downward. "What is it, buddy?" Ranboo asked, immediately confusing himself yet again. God, since when did Ranboo speak to Tommy like he was a kid? They were the same age.

"Oh, it's just... Wilbur gave me a super important job, but it just sounds more fun to work in a restaurant like Quackity told me I could."

"Tommy, is this what you want?" Tubbo questioned suddenly, peering into Tommy's grey-blue eyes. The blond cocked his head. "Of course! I'll always stay loyal to Wilbur. He's the only one who lets me do what I want, and who spends time with me!"

Ranboo resisted the urge to face-palm. Why did so many people like manipulating minors on this server?

"Look Tommy, I have an idea," He began, schooling his expression into one of complete seriousness. "You have complete control over what you want in life. No one person can tell you that you need to do something, or want something, or say something. The choice should always be yours to make, whatever it may be. That being said, there's a room, or a house, or just a home of any kind you want, waiting for you in Snowchester. We'd love to have you there, and I promise we'll protect you. We won't ask you for anything, and just know there's a space for you there if you ever need it."

Tommy's solid cheery expression slowly cracked with each word that came from Ranboo's mouth until he was staring at the ground and struggling to conceal his tears.

Ranboo spared a glance at Tubbo, who smiled reassuringly, pride glowing in his eyes.

"I- I just... Thank you. Thank you very much. That's all I wanted, it's really all I could ever ask for. I just want to feel safe again."

Tommy's voice was cracking and his face was growing splotchy and Ranboo just wanted to give him a big hug and he had no idea why. Every mannerism, every gesture, every word reminded him of Michael and the need to protect, protect, protect. So he approached Tommy and opened his arms, receiving a body-slam from the thin, crying boy who just wanted a safe place to stay. Tubbo rubbed his back until his tears slowed, and Ranboo was just glad to provide a shoulder for his friend.


Ranboo and Tubbo watched the baffling interaction between Michael and Tommy. Surprise Number One had been that Tommy could understand Piglin, likely from growing up with Techno. Surprise Number Two was that he was a wonderful babysitter and an even better friend to Michael. It was like they were the same age, the only difference being that Tommy was responsible enough to be self-sufficient. They both approached things with a wide-eyed curiosity and devoted all their attention to simple things, like toy trains and fountains and the youthful idea of the importance of kindness, which tends to fade with age. 

"Are you confused? Because I am," Ranboo murmured to Tubbo. His husband was silent for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, before he spoke. "Ran, Wilbur's changed since he was revived. He's different now, like, darker I guess. Tommy's also been revived, and I think he changed in a lot of ways too, we just haven't noticed it. I've known him for a long time, and when I look at him now, I see the younger Tommy from right when the wars began, when he was willing to follow Wilbur anywhere. He didn't get a lot of attention from his family growing up, so he's kind of a people-pleaser to those he looks up to," Tubbo explained. "His eagerness to follow someone has really increased, and I think revival brought back the childishness that he'd lost. I don't know why, but I think it's even more important that he stays here. I mean, look at him," He pointed to where Tommy was helping Michael set up a toy train. "I haven't seen him this happy in years. I guess he really just needs a place to feel safe."

Ranboo nodded in agreement, smiling affectionately as Tommy helped Michael attach the caboose. "I really hope we can give him that, even just a little."

(A/N, skip if you're not interested)

I know there's probably a few canonical errors, especially since I don't keep up with a lot of Ranboo and Tubbo lore, but just ignore it for me, will you? Thanks. Hope you enjoyed!

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