Little Moth, It's Gonna Be Hard

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TW: Swearing, gore, violence, word count of almost 17,000 (so be prepared to be here a while but also please read because I worked so hard on this)


The plumes of smoke in the sky weren't much, but they were signs of life and that was enough for Phil, who nearly collapsed on the ground at the sight. He didn't know how long they'd been walking for, but no poet would be able to describe in full color, and not just a shadow, the relief Phil felt in the deepest parts of his soul when, finally, the end of their journey was in sight.

"We're almost there, Kris, I promise," he said excitedly. As expected, he received no response from the witch, but for once it didn't dim his mood.


The first thing he noticed was a delicious smell wafting from a small, stone building. He decided based solely on the aroma that there must be someone friendly inside and headed in.

A jingle from above him sounded as he entered, and the notes reminded him of a tune he had heard long ago, but couldn't place. He looked up to see a bell hanging above him, one that wouldn't be capable of producing such a sound without tampering. So someone in this village can harness magic, Phil mused in his head.

"Welcome in!" someone said in a rushed voice as they practically dashed out of a back room and up to the counter. They opened a drawer and hurriedly moved things around while distractedly saying, "The usual for you?"

Phil stood silently and awkwardly.

After a moment, the figure looked up, a look of surprise crossing her features before a radiant smile stretched her red cheeks. "You're new here! We don't often have visitors in our village. What can I get for you?"

Taken aback by the forwardness, Phil momentarily forgot why he was here.

"Uhm, I actually had a question."

"Of course! What can I help with?"

"I was wondering if there was anywhere I could purchase... a rune?"

The smile faded from her face ever so slightly.

"I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean. But can I interest you in a complimentary croissant? As a gift since you're the first visitor we've gotten in ages! I can also show you around the village if you'd like-"

"That's alright," Phil said politely yet somewhat curtly. He knew she was lying; he wouldn't hold it against her, however. Everyone had reasons for keeping secrets.

"Alright, please come again! I'm Niki, by the way."

He waved goodbye with a tight-lipped smile before leaving without his croissant.

As he exited the shop, he looked up and back to see 'Niki's Bakery' in a cheerful font hanging above the door.

Phil walked down the main road, kicking dirt under his shoes as he pondered his next move. Who else could he ask? There was no one around and none of these buildings looked like shops; it seemed they were all homes.

As if the universe wanted to aid him, two young men turned the corner at that moment.

"Oh- excuse me! Sirs?" he called out, sending them a little wave to get their attention.

The two looked at him, before looking at each other. After a moment, they walked towards him.

"Hello! I haven't seen your face before in the village," the taller one said, not unkindly. He was wearing wire-rimmed glasses, brunet curls dangling far over his forehead and resting against the rims. He had a comfy-looking sweater on, as well. Phil took a moment to look at the other stranger, noticing the silky pink hair cascading behind his shoulders, bright red eyes, and scowling complexion.

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