Broken Mind

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A/N - This is based on a request I got where Tommy goes insane instead of Wilbur. It's short, but I hope you enjoy!

Edit: I said it was short before I wrote the entire second half. Oops. Heads up, it's not that short.

TW: Suicidal themes, swearing

"Tommy, don't do this. You don't have to do this."

Wilbur cautiously took a step forward, bent low with his hands held up, only to back away when Tommy put his hand closer to the button. "You don't understand, Wilbur. You don't understand. This isn't... It's not how it's supposed to be. We don't want this Wilbur, I didn't want this, I don't want this, we didn't want this..."

Tommy continued his rambling and it was getting harder and harder for Wilbur to recognize his brother in this broken boy in front of him. The worst part was that he was frozen, watching his baby brother collapse into insanity, and he could do nothing.

"TOMMY!" They heard a shout from behind. Tommy's eyes darted around and his head snapped to face the direction of the shout.

Wilbur saw the moment that Tommy recognized Tubbo. He saw the imperceptible jolt that went through the blond's body and he saw his eyes regain some of their humanity. 

"Tubbo" he whispered. The pain in his voice brought fresh tears to Wilbur's eyes as he wondered how just how torn apart his little brother's mind was. 

Tommy's face crumpled as a smaller figure crashed into his chest and wrapped his arms around the taller's frail body. He held the blond close, whispering comforting words.

Tubbo expertly positioned Tommy so that he wasn't facing in the button and his hands were out of reach of it. This made it so that Tubbo was looking at Wilbur, and the boy softly smiled at the musician as he coaxed him forward.

Wilbur shuffled slowly towards the two best friends, reluctant to get too close. He was afraid of something, although he didn't know what. Eventually, he found himself so close he could see the different colors in Tubbo's irises and he could feel the heat radiating off of Tommy's back.
He collapsed onto the two boys and they all found their way into a sitting position on the ground, still wrapped tightly around Tommy. 

Sniffles filled the small room as the presence of the ominous button still dominated the atmosphere. Wilbur could feel the promise of pressing it in his bones, but he wouldn't do it. He would never press that button, and he would do whatever it took to keep Tommy from pressing that button. 

"I'm so tired," They heard the blond sigh in a small, lost voice. All they could do was hold him tight and be with him as the blond fought off the voices in his head.

~Two weeks later~

In a way, Tommy had been strong enough. He was strong enough to resist pressing that button for the rest of his days, even if those days only amounted to two weeks. He was strong enough to not step foot in that room ever again, to not lay his eyes on that button.

He was strong enough to do that, but he wasn't strong enough to do it alive. He wasn't strong enough to live in a constant battle against his raging mind, and he was the only one who knew that he would never again find peace.

So he had picked up the sword, and he had turned the blade to face his stomach. His hands were shaking and his palms were sweaty, but his grip held tight as he mercilessly shoved the knife into his stomach. He died suffering, feeling no relief from the pain of the wound until the very end, still hearing the voices screaming in his head right up until his heart stopped beating.

It was Phil who found him lying in a pool of his own blood, the sword still resting in his palm. And it was Wilbur who found his father holding his dead brother in his hands.

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