The Perfect Order

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A/N - Thank you to tasblacc for the request. Hope you enjoy!

TW: Gore, mentions of suicide, swearing

Tommy woke up and immediately fell out of bed, which is how he knew that it was going to be a bad day. He groaned, massaging his bruised tailbone before getting up and picking out what clothes to wear. Baseball tee with red sleeves, or yellow sleeves? He settled on the yellow sleeves.

He spent a little longer than necessary eating his breakfast, but he'd had a bad morning so he figured he deserved the extra ten minutes. Then, he made his way to Tubbo and Ranboo's house. 

On the way there, he passed by an orange lump partly concealed by a bush, which he almost walked past before his keen sense of smell noted the tang of blood in the air. He looked over to see that it was a baby fox with deep tooth marks in his side, alive but barely breathing.

Tommy felt sad looking at the poor creature, but he couldn't do anything to help it, so he went on his way. By the time he got to Tubbo and Ranboo's, he had completely forgotten about the fox pup and was knocking excitedly on their door. "Hey, Tommy!" Ranboo greeted. "'Ow do, Ranboob?" He said, strutting past Ranboo into the house. "Ranboo," The enderman hybrid corrected quietly, but Tommy pretended not to hear him and shouted for Tubbo. "Hey, Tommy!" The short boy said as he bounded down the stairs. He quickly hugged Tommy, and the three of them proceeded to go on their walk. They did it every once and a while to spend time with Tommy and for a little break from parenting Michael, who was being watched by Niki.

As most of the times they went on these walks, they naturally formed a triangle formation with Tubbo and Ranboo in the front and Tommy trailing behind, successfully cut off from the conversation. Every once and a while he would make an attempt to join in, but it always drifted away from anything he could contribute to, so he simmered in silence as the two oblivious husbands in front of him chatted and laughed as if he wasn't there. It hurt, but Tommy wasn't going to let the hurt get to him. He was the great Tommyinnit, he didn't care if he was left out of a conversation!

But he felt a pang in his heart when he started trailing further and further behind, and neither of his friends noticed. Did they even remember he was there?

He got lost in his thoughts as he stared at the crunching leaves and dirt below his feet, letting his anger grow. He was pulled out of his trance when he heard a familiar voice. 

"Tommy! You're so far back, why weren't you walking with us?"

Tommy just stared at him, feeling his patience wear thin. When he didn't respond, Tubbo just kept talking, and Tommy pursed his lips in a tight line. He was about to burst.

"Ranboo went back to the house to check on Michael. It's just us, do you want to keep going or turn back?"

A quiet voice told him that Tubbo wouldn't want to talk with him, while another voice told him to take the chance for some one-on-one time with his friend.

"If it's all right with you, can we keep walking?"

"Sure!" Tubbo said in his infuriatingly nice and complacent voice. 

It took all of two minutes for that ball of burning gas inside him to implode. 

"Just tell me if you hate me, okay Tubbo? I know you like Ranboo better, but it's not helping anyone for you to keep pretending you like hanging out with me. I don't want your fucking pity," Tommy spat into the calm silence. Tubbo let out a squeak in surprise, not expecting the venom from his friend, but quickly recovered. "I don't know where your head's at, but I like hanging out with you. I would tell you if I wouldn't want to, okay?" His voice was a conflicting mixture of frustration and concern, like he couldn't decide whether to be angry or worried with his friend. 

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